andibswanson Member


  • Congratulations on your amazing journey and to many more amazing days!!!!
  • Wooooooo Hoooooooo!!!!! CONGRATULATIONS!!!!! Life is Good isn't it! Keep up the awesome work!
  • You have to add in strength training.....Your body needs to build muscle in order to burn fat. Add in at least 2 days a week of strength. You can do this at home using every day things including your kids and your own body weight. Where there is a will there is a way. Good luck!
  • CONGRATULATIONS!!!!! SUCH an amazing accomplishment! I cannot wait to join you in the 100 club! Keep up the amazing work!
  • I am a Thyroid Cancer Survivor and have been now for 23 years. I was 22 with my first diagnosis. I had a total Thyroidectomy with a modified neck disection as the cancer had spread in to my lymph nodes and it also spread in to my parathyroid which controls calcium. I also had 2 reoccurances after that but today am fine and…
  • I eat healthy to live the rest of my life healthy! Its not about skin and bones its about healthy and fit. Put GOOD, CLEAN FOOD in your body and you will have the best results....No 2 claories are made up the same....there is no reason that anyone should EVER not eat to lose weight...that is just CRAZY!! Just eat the RIGHT…
  • Here is a article by Kristen Stewart that can explain this to you. Thanks Like a lot of people, you might think that muscle weighs more than fat. “When I hear this statement, I always think of the old riddle: Which weighs more, a pound of feathers or a pound of bricks?” says Laura Stusek, MS, fitness coordinator for…
  • That is a myth....Muscle does not weigh more than fat. A pound is a pound no matter if it is a pound of feathers or a pound of potatoes, its still a lb. Please see the article I posted below.
  • MFP is an amazing tool!!!! Use it every single day and you will be held accountable. It is awesome! Feel free to add me as well! Enjoy your journey....Always Remember that You Are Worth It!!!
  • I don't think it is our business to tell anyone that they are obese. We all look in the mirror every single day and know what we look like. Alot of times if you tell someone they need to lose weight it will put them in a tail spin and direct them into the opposite path. All we need to do is love each other for who we are…
  • Start by setting one small goal and working on it. If you set 50 goals and are depriving yourself of everything that you love then you are setting yourself up to me I know this first hand. Set a small goal and concentrate on it. Lets say you love sodas or sugar....Keep your sugars under 5g per serving and…
  • I would make sure you have a Protein Shake immediately following your work outs. That is so important to get that protein back in to your system and the protein is what aids in building lean muscle mass. I personally us Optimum Nutrition Gold Stand Whey Protein Powder and it is awesome and helps with the hunger.
  • You can do it!!! Feel free to add me if you would like :-)
  • I have tried them all and I agree the money spent on these is rediculous. I use Optimum Nutrition Whey Protein along with Unsweetened Vanilla Almond Milk and 1 tblsp of Natural Peanut Butter add some ice and blend in a personal blender and you are good to go. Add a fruit with it to get the Protein Carb combo that you need…
  • I have been on MFP for some time but have never posted on a message board or anything. I am down 92 lbs with 20 to go and have now opened my own Fitness Studio in my small town. I love to Inspire others to know that they are worth fighting for and that life is too short to be unhappy!