

  • Aww, that's so sweet! *internet hugs!* And right back at you! :D
  • Thank you! I hope some of her badassness will rub off :P
  • Haha sounds like you both are doing great! Goal for this weekend is to get even more sleep! Woke up with a terrible headache that just won't go away and I have only a little energy. Probably still fighting off some virus..? Sucks :( so my planned workout for today will be skipped, in the name of health. Other goal is to…
  • Oh what a nice topic! I can truly honestly say that I don't judge people by their appearance. Pretty happy with that! Do you have youtube vids up of you singing, PBT?
  • Motivation's good here. Still not perfect, but the focus is here. How about you? I usually fast until ~14:00, it depends. I do need my morning coffee! Without the fasting I'm much hungrier throughout the day, and I'll never stay under calorie budget. I like it. Weird to get dizzy from hunger, could it have to do with low…
  • Yesterday was crazy busy, but I squeezed in some exercise (just a little). Today boring chores that MUST be done, with lots of walking up and down stairs, and of couse the daily challenge at 90dg! Yey! Have a great day!
  • Hellooo! Just checked in on Reddit! Don't own a Wii Fit, but did it a few times, so I guess if I know the exercises I could join? Or is that online via Wii..? Do you think it's worth the investment? I'm always curious about things that could work better for me! Have a fantastic weekend ! :)
  • Usually I post on Reddit, but i'll try to keep up here also -the more accountability, the better! From what I've seen you're the only one posting topics daily? I'd like to help out, but also I feel like I haven't really been around here for long enough -if you get what I mean. Anyway: least favorite form of exercise are…
  • So what do you guys do when Reddit is down? I had SO MUCH planned for the downtime, but it seems to have been a bit much haha. Apparently I don't spend THAT much time on Reddit :P Oh my, minus 30, did I read that right? I used to whine about the chilly Dutch weather, but I will zip it. +3 Celcius right now. So. It's 21:00…