

  • I know this sounds rather corny, but I love alfalfa sprout sandwiches. I put them in a bagel (regular or lowfat) and add a touch of ranch dressing. Depending on how you make them, they're low in calories. What I've been doing lately is just making a turkey sandwich on Village Hearth lite bread and having a big pc of fruit…
  • Another great thing (seeing as how I love sweets) is the individual sugar-free jello cups. They're cheap and only 5 calories! On my frozen graham sandwiches I drizzle just a touch of Hershey's Syrup (yum)......I can't wait to try the banana split idea! Apple butter is another thing you can put on crackers or rice cakes.…
  • The worst thing to do is focus on how many pounds you need to lose. Focus on how much better you'll feel each and every day. It's amazing how just 1 week of eating better foods can make you feel. Before I came on this site....I was eating too large of portions! Which in turn makes you feel sluggish and depressed...which in…
  • little steps....that's all it takes. I'm basically the same as you! Love to eat and it makes me feel good. I've been doing this for a couple of weeks now and already feel much better! I suggest to set yourself 2 rules this week....#1 is just to log on here everyday and record what you eat. #2 just try to make better…
  • What an accomplishment....keep going.
  • I'm on day 6. This page has been very helpful to me so far. I can't even imagine how many calories I was eating before. This just keeps me in check. I've lost 3.5 pounds so far and already feel better. My fitness goal is 20 minutes a day - 7 days a week. I feel that is easy to obtain and I have no excuses.
  • I'm the same with sweets...can't stop. I'm going to try to always just think "healthy" when looking for a night snack. I have to keep busy until about an hour before bed otherwise if I sit on the couch early....all I can think about is food. It's best if I keep moving and get my mind on something else. Gum also helps me…
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