

  • cinnamon, peanut butter, raisins, cocoa powder. Alone or all together, it tastes great. Or if you want it more savory, an egg, scrambled, with a bit of black pepper.
  • This may have already been said, but for me it helps to exercise just before the cramps come, if you can anticipate their arrival. This was always hard for me, as my periods have always been irregular, but when I was lucky enough to have done some sort of physical activity before it started, the cramps weren't nearly as…
  • itchy thing he
  • I'm mostly afraid of heights. In 7th grade I freaked out a bit on a trip to six flags when I went up in that metal box on a wire that crosses high above the park. But, I'm only afraid of heights when I'm actually high up. Not so much a fear, but I also really, really hate cockroaches and throwing up, but not necessarily at…
  • I thought of a book. Wedged it under the boulder and used it to lever the boulder off my leg. Thank god I wasn't thinking of a paperback book.
  • Love oatmeal. Breakfast tomorrow is Quaker quick oats with an apple and cinnamon. Can't wait!
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