What is your strangest fear?



  • jrcox520
    jrcox520 Posts: 130 Member
    For some reason I can't edit my own post? Anyways, I wanted to add one. I'm afraid of deep water. Even if I could see to the bottom of the ocean, I get really nervous in deep water, and by deep I mean that I can't touch the bottom with my toes. So in my case just over 5 ft. Swimming pools are okay, but anything else frightens me.
  • JediMaster_intraining
    i'm scared of the dark at age 21. sometimes i need to put my lava lamp on to feel safe! i especially hate pitch black. :( i get scared ghosts are gonna get me.
  • Dory_42
    Dory_42 Posts: 3,587 Member
    Is it weird that I am not scared of anything??? I work with snakes and took one to a local radio once for a Face Your Fear competition. They were keen for me to join the celebrity (not a word I had ever used for myself) edition, but I could not think of a single thing I was afraid of. As I said, I work with snakes, also frogs. I don't kill bugs (except ticks cos I don't want my pets to get sick), spiders make awesome decorations in my rafters (they die if they hang around on the floor, but that is due to my cat!) I love being up high and small spaces or the dark don't bug me, I prefer swimming in the sea or a lake than a pool but that is only cos I don't like smelling like chemicals... My one chance at fame lost because I don't have any phobias!!
  • hadlam
    hadlam Posts: 90
    by far the strangest fear i have is, dead hair. its fine when its attached to my head, as soon as its cut off dont put it near me!!
  • MsQt
    MsQt Posts: 793 Member
    My strangest fear is of birds and of my teeth falling out for no reason. A bird flew in my car 2 yrs ago and I only had one window open. It was chirping and bouncing around, then landed in my lap. I threw my car in park and tried to get out but was strapped into my seat belt. Still quiver and cry at the thought of that one:cry: . I have this nightmare a lot, of my teeth falling out and me steadily trying to push them back in.:huh:
  • allieferriera
    allieferriera Posts: 20 Member
    I am terrified of Tsunami's. I lived on the coast of Oregon for a year and we never even had a remote chance of one. But I think it all stems from me being deathly afraid of drowning.
  • ajb108
    I'm mostly afraid of heights. In 7th grade I freaked out a bit on a trip to six flags when I went up in that metal box on a wire that crosses high above the park. But, I'm only afraid of heights when I'm actually high up. Not so much a fear, but I also really, really hate cockroaches and throwing up, but not necessarily at the same time. I've had bad experiences with both, and they are both just so nasty. What's worst is when I'm nauseous and start thinking about cockroaches. ugh.
  • fit4mom
    fit4mom Posts: 1,352 Member
    I fear allot of things. I have OCD which is apparently a fear based disorder. I guess when it comes down to it I'm afraid not even about being in control but losing control.
  • FitnessElle
    -A band of clowns abducting me in my sleep.

    -Worms invading my body or surroundings.

    I can't decide which is worse. :sad:
  • yvonnej1
    yvonnej1 Posts: 904 Member
    I've just discovered I have a weird and totally irrational fear of jumping up and catching onto pull up bars above my head. I'm fairly short - 5'3 but I can comfortably jump the 8 inches or so to reach the bar in my gym and I'm fine if I can stand on a box and hold on to start then jump off at the end so it's not the height itself, I just can't look up at the bar and jump. My trainer was encouraging me to jump up to the bar at our last session and told me he had all day if that's what it took me! so I kind of worked up to it by jumping up to touch it repeatedly then finally grabbing on but I absolutely positively cannot look up at the bar, I start shaking, it's crazy and doesn't make sense because you'd think I would want to see to make sure I'm grabbing on properly but I just have to look straight ahead.

    finally I just want to say thanks to everyone for sharing their fears, it's helped me to see other people struggle with weird things too :happy:
  • yukimiyazawa
    yukimiyazawa Posts: 83 Member
    trees. they just creep me out. the fact that they're alive (photos of them growing AROUND things after years and years, like bicycles and fences, are totally nuts) and rooted in the earth so deep, they're like big awful warts or something. o_O i dunno, i've always had this phobia, albeit small, of wood itself since i was little. very weird, indeed.

    my biggest fear is something happening to my teeth. becoming crooked, losing them, chipping one, etc. i've only had one recurring dream in my entire life, and it involves my teeth falling out. i can watch any horror movie, gore doesn't bother me in the slightest, the only thing that can make me squirm is something involving teeth. x_x
  • CannibalisticVegetarian
    +Sirens---tornado or any kind actually. The ones indicating bad weather cause me to freak out

    + I don't know if this counts as a fear, or just something I cannot stand, but am not afraid of----buuut I am sort of afraid of having hair on my hands also.. especially when I'm in a swimming pool and there are loose stranger hairs (even mines freaks me out) wrapped around my fingers or on me anywhere kind of makes me feel sick and filthy.
  • mommared53
    mommared53 Posts: 9,543 Member
    I'm 58 years old and I'm still afraid of letting my feet hang over the edge of the bed. I'm also afraid of what's under the bed when I go to bed at night. I should never have watched all those Alfred Hitchcock movies when I was a kid. I have a flashlight on my night table that I turn on and place of the floor so it's shining under the bed. Then I hurry up and take off my house shoes and socks (if I'm wearing some) and quickly get my feet off the floor. Then I reach down and get the flashlight, turn it off and put it back on my night table.

    I'm also afraid of darn needles (or walking sticks); those insects that look like twigs. shudder. Those things terrified me when I was a kid.

    Another thing that terrifies me is being in the hospital and having my hands tied down. I've told my son "DON'T EVER LET THEM DO THAT TO ME!!!" Unless I'm unconscious and don't know my hands are being restrained. The moment I'm aware of being restrained SOMEBODY BETTER UNRESTRAIN MY HANDS!!!
  • tmarie2715
    tmarie2715 Posts: 1,111 Member
    MOTHS! Moths, moths, moths all day moths. Butterflies are just more brightly colored moths. It is a combination of the fluttery movement and powerdery wings. GROSS!
  • jenny95662
    jenny95662 Posts: 997 Member
    I'm scared of bellybuttons... This includes my own.

    i dont fear them persay but pomg hate them hate if someone touches mine or sticks there finger in there own or anyone elses i get so grossed out .

    Also i have a fear of cotton or any fabric material in my mouth like at dentist i will gag before it even gets to me lol
  • julslea
    julslea Posts: 436 Member
    I am terrified to be stuck on or under a bridge
  • brittanidigby
    brittanidigby Posts: 247 Member
    Mayo... OMG, it's so ****ing creepy. YUCK!!!
  • audigal2008
    audigal2008 Posts: 1,129 Member
    I have a couple.
    I have a fear of breaking my collar bone. I can't even stand for anyone to touch it.
    I also can't sleep with the closet door open because as everyone knows its the gateway to hell.
    I can't close my eyes to wash my face in the sink. Im afraid when I open them someone or something will be standing behind me.

    OMG Collar bone for sure a fear of being touched! YUCK!
  • Helice
    Helice Posts: 1,075 Member
    My strangest fear is those plants ->>..
    Because when i was really little a teacher told me that they are the origin of nits..
    And now im terrified to go anywhere near them.

    But thats just my strangest fear.
    My biggest fears are dolls. Because when i was young i owned a hand puppet, that when you where in a room with it by yourself, it you turn your back to it, it will begin to crawl towards you. You never get over something like that, to this day still makes me tear up over it in fear.
    Also terrified of clowns, cockroaches and finger nails having a nail pushed through them..
    But on a side note love all face paint other than the clown style, and love scorpions and other insects...
    Although hate spiders, but not because im scared of them, because one bit me once and it left a scar.
  • Helice
    Helice Posts: 1,075 Member
    lol double post. :blushing: