What is your strangest fear?



  • k2quiere
    k2quiere Posts: 4,151 Member
    camel/spider crickets.....ewwwww

    OMG...YES!! WTH are those damn things???

    My irrational fear is earthquakes. I have never been through one, but the whole idea of the earth under my feet being out of control sends me into a panic. I hate being in skyscrapers when the wind is blowing because they sway.
  • Leannek74
    Leannek74 Posts: 374 Member
    Dead fish... live ones are okay, and fillets don't bother me but whole dead fish make me weak in the knees.
  • audigal2008
    audigal2008 Posts: 1,129 Member
    I have a few, cats ick they are sneaky

    My kids being hurt. My son dislocated his elbow this past mothers day week end, and I was devastated! I cringe everytime I think about it! I think about that everyday since it happened :( It was pretty bad, he had 6 sets of exrays, a cast up to his armpit and an MRI that lasted 70 mins! He was 7 at the time, (8 now)
  • jrcox520
    jrcox520 Posts: 130 Member
    Falling down the stairs or over a balcony - it get vertigo just looking at balconies, and also when people stand at the top of stairs.

    Someone breaking into my house for the sole purpose of hurting me. I've left my apartment late at night to get relief from the fear.

    Letting any limb hang over the edge of the bed.

    Driving next to big rigs - I have to pass them, or let them pass.
  • Secret_Agent_007
    Every once in a while I'll get a shiver while driving under a bridge. I'll watch it coming up to it like it's gonna fall on me, as I pass under it I'll get a quick shiver and then it's gone. It's rare that it even happens and I do a lot of highway driving and love it. I can't even say I'm "afraid" of bridges per se but I remember hearing about a walking bridge collapsing when I was about 5 yrs old. It quickly became very visual for me when I heard about it.
  • _snw_
    _snw_ Posts: 1,305 Member
    little people. I know it's horrible, but I can't help it.
  • Iamfit4life
    Iamfit4life Posts: 3,095 Member
    Falling down stairs with one of the kids in my arms. Terribly terribly afraid of that.
  • BobbyDaniel
    BobbyDaniel Posts: 1,460 Member
    Cows...I don't mind them in 9-12 oz cuts cooked to medium rare; but to see them live, walking, chewing their cud and mooing...not so much!
  • BondBomb
    BondBomb Posts: 1,781 Member
    I have a couple.
    I have a fear of breaking my collar bone. I can't even stand for anyone to touch it.
    I also can't sleep with the closet door open because as everyone knows its the gateway to hell.
    I can't close my eyes to wash my face in the sink. Im afraid when I open them someone or something will be standing behind me.
  • heykatieben
    heykatieben Posts: 398 Member

    It's hard to me to use a toilet in the dark, because I picture a snake coming up it (I read a story about that actually happening once in an apartment complex!)
  • Samantha1941
    Samantha1941 Posts: 99 Member
    I have to sleep with my hair or blanket over my ear because I am afraid a bug will crawl in it.....I'm so weird. I also am terrified that I am going to one day fall down the stairs and that will be the end of me. I have already fallen going up the stairs (concrete stairs) hurt so bad! I am also crazy scared of cops,even though I don't break the law or anything, just knowing they have the power to put me in jail freaks me out
  • judykritikos
    I agree with the swimming pool drains. Freaks me out. Remember that show Falcon Crest? About 20-25 yrs ago? Maybe more. One gal died from her ring being stuck in the drain. eeugh - gives me the willies.
    My fears - I hate lifting the lid to the tank on the toilet and WON'T put my hand in there to fix it. I'm claustrophobic to a degree, so I can't have heavy blankets or things on me - never played Dog Pile - never wanted to be crushed on the bottom of the pile.
  • heykatieben
    heykatieben Posts: 398 Member
    I am deathly afraid of rubber animals. I have been known to climb over the top of the isles in the store because little kids were playing with rubber snakes on both ends of the isle.
    I left my not quite 2 year old daughter in a little gift shop store one time because she picked up a rubber fish and I freaked out. Don't worry, I went to the next shop over and got my mom and she went and got my daughter. She is 18 now and not scared for life over it....LOL.

    I can not walk down a toy isle alone if there are rubber animals in it. I have actually gone into full blown heart attack mode before over them. Taken to the hospital and everything. It is so retarded!

    Hehe this one made me lol :) good one!
  • BondBomb
    BondBomb Posts: 1,781 Member
    To the OP...
    My ex-husband was in the Navy. When we were first dating he decided to take me on a surprise tour of his submarine. I was in a skirt and slippery flip-flops. Walking on the top along the edge of the water was really creepy. I made a comment to him about falling in the water and he told me people fell in all the time. Im a great swimmer and Im not scared of boats in particular, but I still have dreams that I fall off the edge into the water. They really freak me out.
  • maygans
    maygans Posts: 196 Member
    One of my biggest fears is of june bugs (or june beetles, they go by different names). They're big and icky and make a terrible crunch when stepped on and they buzz into the windows all night. When I used to hear that I would lay there going please don't get in please don't get in. Even thinking of them creeps me out! Roaches remind me of june bugs, so when I moved into my apartment and the first night I saw a brown roach in my bathroom....I called a friend that lives nearby hysteric like PLEASE COME GET THIS I DON'T KNOW WHAT TO DO! If that thing had flown at me or tried to touch me...it would have been over. He got it though :) I haven't seen any since in here, because that one only got in when they were turning over the apartment (they leave doors and windows open to air the place out/clean it and it likely got in then). I hate bugs!
  • leynak
    leynak Posts: 963 Member
    I'm scared of drowning or suffocating, I hate having my head covered by blankets or anything. I think that comes from my sister putting a bean bag chair on face & then sitting. (I thought I was going to die.) I really flip out if someone tries to hold a blanket on my head- fiance thinks it's hilarious. :grumble:

    & I have a fear of being buried alive. I even went so far as to tell people that when I die I want of those little bells tied to my finger, just in case. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Safety_coffin <- Safety coffin. But after much thought I decided I don't want to be buried at all.

    I was told that my fear of these things meant I was claustrophobic but I'm fine with being in small spaces like elevators. :shrug:
  • mikey1976
    mikey1976 Posts: 1,005 Member
    i have a few
    1 being alone for the rest of my life
    2crowds of people
    3 dogs just because i have been biten when i was young
  • cardbucfan
    cardbucfan Posts: 10,396 Member
    I love this thread!

    I have the normal ones: snakes (ughh, hate them), roaches (live in Florida with flying freaking Palmetto Bugs!!) and big spiders.

    Looking in my rearview mirror and seeing somebody in the backseat.

    Clowns and marionettes freak me out. A girl I knew in college collected them and I couldn't go in her room. I just knew they'd come to life!

    As I get older (and more aware of my mortality I guess) heights are giving me issues. I used to want to skydive!
  • ahunkofmexican
    When i was growing up and saw the movie JAWS when it first came out , i was never able to let my feet be not covered by the blanket. It always felt like the bed was like a boat and if i let my feet exposed Jaws would attack. This fear lasted 20 years till one night after a hard an honest day at work i just said " Ah forget it ! " and since then i don't fret it. :ohwell: Every now and then tho , i will creep out and just for the sake of keeping my toes warm, fold over the blanket and sheet over my feet !

    :ohwell: On the other hand when i was around 22 , i accidentally cut the tip of my finger off with the same table saw i still use as of last year . I had to go to emergency and they told me that it was just the flesh and i missed the bone by a nano millimeter. Since then until today , i have 2 think of god as i cut lumber on the table saw and i am very careful now when my fingers start to get close to the running blade ! :sad: I love my fingers , even with the arthritis ! :bigsmile:
  • k2quiere
    k2quiere Posts: 4,151 Member
    Cows...I don't mind them in 9-12 oz cuts cooked to medium rare; but to see them live, walking, chewing their cud and mooing...not so much!

    My daughter says that cows are creepy and they must all be killed and eaten...preferably medium rare ;-)