

  • I can't tell you how many calories to eat, but I do have a couple of suggestions based on a lifetime of weight battles. #1 Eat your exercise. Whatever extra calories you have earned, as it informs you on MFP, be sure to eat those bonus calories. #2 Weight fluctuates for many reasons, so only weigh once a week and take a…
  • Sept. 1: 60 mins walking Sept. 2: 0 Sept. 3 40 mins walking 100/1440
  • Congratulations to you both! I too went into menopause with my first chemo infusion, and am still taking tamoxifen to suppress my estrogen. Thanks for the perspective, milaxx. You're right, this is a very different body, and I need to be patient with it.
  • Thank you. I get overwhelmed by the amount of psychic energy it takes to tackle my weight. My approach this time is to frame my goal as being less about the numbers and more about the process of moving in the right direction. As long as I'm making progress with exercise and thoughtful eating, the weight loss should follow.
  • Sept. 1: 60 minutes brisk walking
  • I just signed up, it's nice to start on the first of the month!