

  • Thanks for the link! I'll definitely check it out
  • I just figured that since it was after a rest day it should have been fine, but I weighed first thing in the morning before I could tell I was still sore. I'll definitely be more careful with calorie dense foods though.
  • I do add in exercise, but I'm not entirely confident about my food logging, so I make a bigger deficit on purpose in case I'm not accurate. Also if my muscles are still sore even two days after is it bad to weigh myself?
  • I know this topic is months old but I figure it's the most relevant one here. Is it possible to gain a couple pounds over a weekend with an all nighter and bad eating but not over my calories? I was doing well with my cut until then.
  • I set MFP to 1/2 lb per week and it gave me 1830 but I set it to 1800 to be more in tune with my fitbit food plan which is usually 1750, approximately. And I agree, the fitbit makes it more of a "game" to get more steps. It also saved me from taking the reset too far because I was wildly inaccurate in guessing my activity…
  • So I'm starting a 250 calorie cut right now, and on my fitbit app under food plan, it now says I have to eat 1945 calories instead of the 1750 it told me this morning before I did cardio. Is it adjusting because of my activity? My MFP calorie limit is set to 1800 and the fitbit adjustment gave me 109 extra, 1909 in total.
  • Is it okay just to go off your daily burn instead of averaging it out?
  • I haven't tried the fitbit on the elliptical yet, but I have danced a little with it, taking steps while staying in place, and it did give me steps for that. If it doesn't show up, I can just add it on the fitbit app. Actually since I'm home from college now, I'm more sedentary than I'd like to be, I burn anywhere from…
  • My appetite has exploded in the past few days, not sure why, but I guess I'll just roll with it. No sense in keeping myself hungry to meet a goal if the goal is to eat more in the first place.
  • I've been at this for a month now and my appetite is HUGE. I have eaten around 2000 on some days to balance out the cardio, so that might've made it easier. I'm also noticing a lot of muscle building, especially in my arms. I can actually feel my biceps whereas before I would lift and lift without results. Unfortunately,…
  • I was just feeling frustrated because as soon as I up my calories, I get the same feeling all over again and it feels like square one. The worst is the bloating, because it makes me feel hungry and full at the same time, drinking a ton of water afterward does help. I've been swapping out low cal stuff for more calorie…
  • Same, I'm in my second week and I'm at 1600 calories a day. Still feel weird eating so much, but it's kind of relaxing to not stress so much about overeating a little bit.
  • How do we know if we got the TDEE right? I'm not there yet, but I'd like to know for future reference. I'm also getting discouraged because of weight gain but the plus side is I'm not getting any bigger. It's just disappointing to see the number that I worked so hard to get to months ago.
  • Lately, I haven't been weighing myself because it's discouraging, last I checked I was up 2 lbs. But also, even though I might be heavier, I look more toned, after only two weeks. I'm not at TDEE yet either. I see other people going through the same thing as well, good to see that I'm not alone!
  • Congrats everyone! My favorite NSVs happen in the fitting room too! OP, if you don't mind, I'd like some of your size 12 clothing, because that's the size I fit into today. Of course, I kid :laugh: , but it would be cool to have an MFP clothing swap. I also bought my very first bikini, and though I might not be the best…
  • Thanks for all the help everyone!
  • Maybe PCOS or high androgens? I do have regular periods for the most part. Might be my particular Dr. that makes me feel like I'm crazy, or might be in my head, but I do plan on getting a hormone test done. Found the website, it's high androgen levels I should be suspicious of. http://m.healthywomen.org/condition/androgen
  • I'm not entirely sure how much muscle I have but I can tell you I have looked on mybodygallery.com, entered my stats and found many of them with my height and clothing sizes are 10-20 lbs lighter than me. Not sure if that counts for anything though.
  • I'm the same way. My mother is Hispanic and my father is German and English and I ended up being pale. Like you, I have to burn severely first, and after it heals it just stays dark, ridiculously long too! However, I'm not too into burning my entire body at once to have an even tan (ouch!) so pale it is for me.
  • My appetite gets considerably large almost exactly a week before, and my suspicions are confirmed when I check the scale. You're lucky you don't gain much haha, I can gain anywhere from 2-5 lbs throughout the week. Luckily it disappears and then some when the time comes. Even though I'm not happy my period is starting, at…
  • Thanks for the help guys, and the link is great!
  • Sorry if this is a dumb question :(
  • When I added zumba, I was expecting the scale to stay put but I wasn't sure the body would be that sensitive to diet changes as well. Thanks.
  • Personally since I'm 5' 3" not much of the male population is short to me in a creepy way.
  • I started running last summer, and I was able to bust my butt enough to get down to a 9 minute mile, but once it started getting cold out, I stopped. Not a good decision on my part, I had to start all over again this summer. I was inspired to run again because I was sick of getting winded just going up a flight of stairs.…
  • I've had two pairs of the 3's and loved them but never got to try the 4's at all because the 5's came out before I needed new shoes. I just got the 5's and have yet to run in them but so far as they break in they feel nice. I heard they have more support than the 4's but I wouldn't know first hand. I'm switching back from…
  • I've had the same problem as you, I've always been a Lunar Glide wearer ever since I found them, but after my last pair started to wear out, I went with the Lunar Fly's because they were cheaper (bad decision by me). They were fine after they broke in but as I kept wearing them, I noticed a lot of stiffness and joint…
  • I used to run 4x a week. It did nothing and my joints were killing me. I picked up swimming when it was too hot to go running (90+ degree heatwaves are awful) and have dropped a pants size already, even though my weight is pretty much the same. At first I lost 5 lbs in 3 weeks and then a couple crept back on, but I didn't…
  • I believe you mean smashing?