

  • wow awesome progress!
  • I used to suffer from a serious eating disorder where I never ate more than 500 calories per day. I did this for about a year. I got frighteningly thin and after I recovered and started eating right again I gained 100lbs. My body wasn't used to digesting food in a timely manner (it held onto food for as long as possible…
  • I know men who like sickley looking girls (90lbs), fit girls (120), and guys who like them bigger (150+). However, the guys I know who like biggers girls are more likely to be attracted to girls known as "thick" rather than fat. The large majority of men that I know like "thick" girls. An example is Kim Kardashian. What…
  • I am on a 1200 calorie intake. Feel free to add me and check out my diary. What works for me is that I keep my calories to a minimum earlier in the day. Between breakfast and lunch I try not to exceed 400cal. I know how I am and I know that I like to eat a heavier dinner and oftentimes I crave something sweet at night. I…
  • Try to keep your calories to a minimum in the beginning of the day so that at the end of the day you have an adequate amount of calories to eat out. Yesterday I used up only 300cal between breakfast and lunch (banana for breakfast, tuna with lettuce for lunch) so that I was able to go to Starbucks and Applebees at the end…
  • I am 5'1" and have a small frame. I am in the teens now but the smallest size I have ever been is a 2. I would love to be a 4-6 again.
  • Grande organge mango banana vivanno made with real banana cashes in at 260cal. Ask for skim milk in it and shave off a few of the cal! Skinny flavored (any sugar-free syrup you want) latte cashes in at only 130cal for a grande.
  • Are you doing the same workout routine that you started with? If so your body may be getting too used to your routine. You need to switch it up and do different activities so your body has to keep guessing. The same routine that may have burned 500 calories when you first started and weren't used to working out won't burn…
  • Parmesan cheese does the trick! I especially love it on broccoli. I runs for only about 20cal per tbsp and you don't even need half of that.
  • My goals are: keep within 50cal of my caloric limit (1,200) workout at least three times stay positive!