500 Calorie Diet



  • audram420
    audram420 Posts: 838 Member
    If one is doing the HCG + 500 calorie diet properly, you only eat at that restrictive 500 calorie level for 21-40 days, depending on how long YOU want to stay on it. It's a very specific diet comprised of lean protein, and specific fruits + veggies.

    40 day at the 500-calorie level is the absolute MAX. Then you immediately bump your calories up to maintenance-plus. Most people I know are eating around 1800-2200 per day to maintain. You abstain from SUGAR and processed CARBS for the first three weeks, then start adding them in slowly.

    Most people (not all of course) do NOT gain the weight back during this maintenanc period.

    For examply, my best friend did this diet last year under the care of a clinic and lost 20 lbs and 2 sizes in 6 weeks, and has maintained beautifully - plus lost more weight and inches since then. And she now eats 100% normally -- NO restrictions. Just listens to her body and eats mindfully.

    So YES, this is an extreme plan during it's low-calorie phase, but it's als a very short lived phase. I'm not an advocate, but I think it's only fair that the diet is understood before it's bashed to pieces.

    I honestly do not think many people who start this diet (possibly excluding the ones that talk to a doctor) even understand the maintaince part...they see the works "quick" and "no exercise" and other key terms and they jump on the band wagon. A lady at my work has been doing the 500 calories part of the diet for 4 months now...she has no idea she needs to another phase...she's clueless as are many people that start it!
  • dawnthomas5
    I used to suffer from a serious eating disorder where I never ate more than 500 calories per day. I did this for about a year. I got frighteningly thin and after I recovered and started eating right again I gained 100lbs. My body wasn't used to digesting food in a timely manner (it held onto food for as long as possible rather than digesting it right away) so whenever I ate I always felt bloated and over-full for hours on end. I taught my body to live on only several hundred calories per day so when I started eating normally (1,500cal/day) it didn't know what to do with all of the excess. Here I am three years later and one hundred pounds heavier. A 500 cal diet is not sustainable and what do you think is going to happen once you start eating more?

    I am on a 1,200 cal diet and I've been working out only 2-3 times per week. I just started a week and a half ago and have already lost eight pounds. I am not starving myself, I am not depriving myself. If i want ice cream at the end of the day and I have extra calories left over then I eat ice cream. This is sustainable and I won't gain the weight back this time.
  • lkblazek
    I try to be supportive of everyone's effort to lose weight. BUT as the Mother of an emergency room Physician who has seen the results of such a diet. I can not support such a diet. Sometimes the best support is good dose of reality. I Pray she finds her way to improved health
  • CLA2801
    CLA2801 Posts: 50 Member
    If one is doing the HCG + 500 calorie diet properly, you only eat at that restrictive 500 calorie level for 21-40 days, depending on how long YOU want to stay on it. It's a very specific diet comprised of lean protein, and specific fruits + veggies.

    40 day at the 500-calorie level is the absolute MAX. Then you immediately bump your calories up to maintenance-plus. Most people I know are eating around 1800-2200 per day to maintain. You abstain from SUGAR and processed CARBS for the first three weeks, then start adding them in slowly.

    Most people (not all of course) do NOT gain the weight back during this maintenanc period.

    For examply, my best friend did this diet last year under the care of a clinic and lost 20 lbs and 2 sizes in 6 weeks, and has maintained beautifully - plus lost more weight and inches since then. And she now eats 100% normally -- NO restrictions. Just listens to her body and eats mindfully.

    So YES, this is an extreme plan during it's low-calorie phase, but it's als a very short lived phase. I'm not an advocate, but I think it's only fair that the diet is understood before it's bashed to pieces.

    I honestly do not think many people who start this diet (possibly excluding the ones that talk to a doctor) even understand the maintaince part...they see the works "quick" and "no exercise" and other key terms and they jump on the band wagon. A lady at my work has been doing the 500 calories part of the diet for 4 months now...she has no idea she needs to another phase...she's clueless as are many people that start it!

    Agree with you 100%.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,708 Member
    If one is doing the HCG + 500 calorie diet properly, you only eat at that restrictive 500 calorie level for 21-40 days, depending on how long YOU want to stay on it. It's a very specific diet comprised of lean protein, and specific fruits + veggies.

    40 day at the 500-calorie level is the absolute MAX. Then you immediately bump your calories up to maintenance-plus. Most people I know are eating around 1800-2200 per day to maintain. You abstain from SUGAR and processed CARBS for the first three weeks, then start adding them in slowly.

    Most people (not all of course) do NOT gain the weight back during this maintenanc period.

    For examply, my best friend did this diet last year under the care of a clinic and lost 20 lbs and 2 sizes in 6 weeks, and has maintained beautifully - plus lost more weight and inches since then. And she now eats 100% normally -- NO restrictions. Just listens to her body and eats mindfully.

    So YES, this is an extreme plan during it's low-calorie phase, but it's als a very short lived phase. I'm not an advocate, but I think it's only fair that the diet is understood before it's bashed to pieces.
    You do realize that people who haven't reached goal by 21-40 days will continue on 500 calories till they are at least close? Why stop when the desired weight is still far off? If it's worked this good, then let's keep doing it.
    Being in the Fitness industry or well over 2 decades, I've seen the people who extremely diet and how they jack up their metabolic rates. No one on this diet wants to believe it can happen to them, they just want the results regardless of what nutritionists, dieticians, doctors, endocrinologists say about HCG. Sad state of affairs when some want to put possible life at risk for just a little more patience.
  • dogwhisperette
    dogwhisperette Posts: 177 Member
    Put some body armor on and be prepared to be slammed. Most will be very unsupportive of a 500 calorie a day diet. There is a thread on here for those on the HCG diet that is combined with a very low calorie intake. Maybe try there? :)
  • Scott613
    Scott613 Posts: 2,317 Member
    I eat 500 calories in one meal. I could never do 500 a day. Then again i dont want to be a skinny weakling with no muscle. If your goal is to just lose weight and you dont care if Its fat or muscle I say go for it. Happy eating or lack there of.
  • dumb_blondes_rock
    dumb_blondes_rock Posts: 1,568 Member
    I eat 500 calories in one meal. I could never do 500 a day. Then again i dont want to be a skinny weakling with no muscle. If your goal is to just lose weight and you dont care if Its fat or muscle I say go for it. Happy eating or lack there of.

    Please, for the love of mfp eye candy gods.....care if you lose muscle.....because yours are WAY too nice to go anywhere
  • alfredapittman
    alfredapittman Posts: 256 Member
    I really could give a damn about what another person does because it does't impact me.

    Tell us how you really feel Diva....lol.