MissBettyClaire Member


  • Keep calm and eat almonds. I love almonds too! Buy them at a whole foods type grocery - where they are so much fresher! Good fat, vita E, fiber and protein . It's almost a perfect food . Now if only I could reach perfection.... Sigh... Just kidding! Have a shiny day Fitness Pal friends ;)
  • Hi Neff. I think you picked a great site to work on. One of the major keys is tracking your intake of food. This helps you be successful. You need a PLAN though. Try the Fiber 35 Diet. Then track what you consume here on MyFitnessPal. It is scientific. You can do this. Forget about your vacation and think about this plan…
  • Hey Girl, I am from Alabama and we like to tell you a story. I was 46 years old. I had been smoking all my life if you count second hand smoke from my parents. AND I worked on an airplane filled with smokers for 25 years. ( Our company was the first one to ban it) AND, Even if I did quit, as soon as I got in the car on the…