Realistic weightloss in 5months?!

Hi all! Im new to MFP... started 4 days ago... so far so good! Im 20yrs old, 5ft 3in and currently weigh close to 200lbs. I want to lose 60lbs... and am going on holiday in 5 months! Obviously, I don't think ill lose all the weight by then, but I want to lose as much as possible. What can I do to boost my loss while still keeping healthy? Anyone had a goal of long did it take? How did you do it? I love to hear success stories and am looking for tips and motivation :D
Steph x


  • islandjumper
    islandjumper Posts: 369 Member
    It's safe to lose about 1-2lbs a week. You can do about 10lbs a month if you work at it but it's not the best idea to shoot for anything more than that.
  • chocolateandvodka
    chocolateandvodka Posts: 1,850 Member
    realistically you can lose up to approx 40ish lbs in 5 months and still be healthy.... this of course depends on how dedicated you are, how your metabolism works, and how your body cooperates with the changes.
  • SueGeer
    SueGeer Posts: 1,169 Member
    They recommend 2-3 pound loss a week. 5 months = 20 weeks @ 2lbs a week = 40lbs. But you never know, you may lose faster. The way to do it is long as you try & lose a bit each week. Take it a bit at a time...............and good luck!!!!!

    Sue :smile: x
  • MissBettyClaire
    MissBettyClaire Posts: 3 Member
    Hi Neff.
    I think you picked a great site to work on. One of the major keys is tracking your intake of food. This helps you be successful.

    You need a PLAN though. Try the Fiber 35 Diet. Then track what you consume here on MyFitnessPal. It is scientific. You can do this. Forget about your vacation and think about this plan will be your way of life forever. You will be so glad that you did.

    The Fiber 35 is AMAZING! The Weight Watchers plan bases their whole diet plan on this scientific fact. The amount of fiber you consume. If you consume 35 grams of fiber a day you can multiply that by 7 and subtract it from your total caloric intake. This is researched based and it does work.
    Go on line and get the book, or download the weekly plan for free. You can do it. Anything you want is totally possible. Tell yourself that every day. You are worth it.
    All the best.
  • mamatoboys6219
    mamatoboys6219 Posts: 75 Member
    I am in the same boat, weigh as much as you do, want to lose as much as you do, im even as tall as you. It takes time, but you will get there. If you want to add me as a friend, you are welcome to. Work out and eating right, and please dont eat less than 1200 calories, especially if you are working is unhealthy and will cause your body to harbor the fat and keep it for fear of starving. You will get encouragement on here, and people to help you through it. Good Luck!
  • Hi Steph,
    My goal was much higher, but I used to weigh over 270 lbs and I got down close to 230 in four months by cutting "white" stuff out of my diet (refined sugars and flours, white rice, white potatoes, etc.), drinking lots of water, and walking. I had surgery to repair an abdominal hernia so I couldn't do strenuous exercise or lift weights, so I started by walking 1/2 mile a day for two weeks, then added a half mile every two weeks. Unfortunately, after that, the hernia ruptured and I had to have emergency surgery. After 8 days in the hospital and 2 months in recovery I had gained back 25 lbs. I was stuck around 250 for years. Finally decided I was going to get "unstuck"... I was 252 at New Years, now at 248. Cut out white foods again, paying attention to eating leaner meats and lower-fat foods now, too.
  • Thanks everyone! I guess everybody's bodies work in different ways! I think i'll benefit from cutting out bread and potatoes... potatoes are definitely a downfall for me! Every little helps I suppose. Never felt so determined! Thanks everyone and good luck to you all x
  • Mandarz
    Mandarz Posts: 50 Member
    One pound a week is what is recommended and most maintainable, I feel rather confident you could lose 30 with some moderate effort- log your food and do your work outs- its taken me a long time to lose 45, but i did have a baby in the middle of my loss.. In the last 3 months i have lost just over 7 pounds, i started with my goal at only half a pound a week though to ease my way into it, and had i not completely slacked around christmas i probably would be down about 5 more.. but sadly i gained for a while and had to work that off as well. right now my goal is set to a pound a week, and i am hitting it!
  • Thanks everyone! I guess everybody's bodies work in different ways! I think i'll benefit from cutting out bread and potatoes... potatoes are definitely a downfall for me! Every little helps I suppose. Never felt so determined! Thanks everyone and good luck to you all x

    You don't need to eliminate breads and potatoes, just make healthier choices... instead of white bread, choose a whole grain or multi-grain. As for potatoes, I still have an occasional baked potato. I just cut out fries and mashed made with cream and butter. I also really like baked sweet potatoes.
  • Thanks and well done :) good luck !
  • Christine1110
    Christine1110 Posts: 1,786 Member
    I lost about 45 pounds in four months...eating clean & healthy. I started out walking and kept up on the exercise. I would add a little more exercise every week pushing myself.

    You can do it : ) Good luck!
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    Hi all! Im new to MFP... started 4 days ago... so far so good! Im 20yrs old, 5ft 3in and currently weigh close to 200lbs. I want to lose 60lbs... and am going on holiday in 5 months! Obviously, I don't think ill lose all the weight by then, but I want to lose as much as possible. What can I do to boost my loss while still keeping healthy? Anyone had a goal of long did it take? How did you do it? I love to hear success stories and am looking for tips and motivation :D
    Steph x

    Since the deficit should come out of maintenance calories, the more low key daily activity you can get, the better. You don't need to eat that back. Because that energy is mainly supplied from fat, 60-70%.
    The exercise on the other hand is mainly carbs, and since you would now be trying to work the muscle, it needs to be fed.

    That's why MFP in several places talks about net calories, eating back your exercise, giving you credits on days you log it, ect.

    You already have a deficit built into your goal calories, check your Goal's page if you don't see that.

    And your metabolism, if you undercut your BMR with an aggressive goal, will just slow down.

    Feel like missing out on a free 200-300 calorie burn each and every day?
    And since your activity burn is based on your basal metabolism, that would go down too.

    So be smart, pick 1 lb goal, and then increase your normal daily activity. Slow walks with kids, stairs, constant moving, ect.
    This will actually make it more than 1 lb, because MFP doe not actually know how much your maintenance calories are, besides the fact you pick the level.