mandy_godfree Member


  • I'm 43. It's taken me longer to get back up to fitness. I swim an average of 2 -3 times per week and 30 min once per week on the cross trainer. My fitness had gone right down for several different reasons including major abdominal surgery in 2013, and most of the muscles on my left side had all but disappeared due to…
  • Wrinkles and bones, especially on your face. The more weight I lose off my face, the older I feel. Without that extra fat filler to puff out my cheeks, the wrinkles seem more real, and the outline of my cheek bones being visible makes me feel quite gaunt.
  • I was really shocked that some of those "breakfast bars" which constantly advertise as "healthy" are jam packed with sugar and some of them have nearly as many calories as chocolate. Also flavoured water, full of sugar and huge.y calorie intensive for what you're having. You're better off to mix fruit juice with water.…
  • It costs a fortune in clothes and alterations trying to keep up with the weight loss. When you have to look smart for work it's no joke. You suddenly realise how many people judge you on what you look like, makes you wonder how much time they spend staring at your body rather than your face.
  • Sometimes I eat them back and sometimes I don't it depends on the day, and whether I have any special events coming ups where I'm likely to find it difficult to stick to 1500 calories. Like others, I have set MFP to deficit anyway, so I make sure I eat the calories set and never eat less than 1200 calories whatever the day…
  • Yes I know what you mean. At home I'm fine but, when I'm at work I get the 4pm munchies and really struggle not to reach for a Cadbury Twirl. X
  • I love sugar things, all my maternal side the family love sugar. My Mum would feed us sugar sandwiches for lunch when there was nothing else much in the house. But cake and ice cream is my downfall. I've never really seen the attraction of high fat foods like burgers. And even icing on cake is more attractive than the cake…
  • Well done, you look great and so glad you feel fitter. Love stories like yours because you are truly inspirational.
  • Congraulations, what an inspiration. Keep up the running, sounds like not only have you lost weight but you've found a new lease of life. That's brilliant!!!
  • I've been losing weight since July 2011 and have been aiming for about 1lb - 2lb per week. I've was swimming for an hour a week up until Christmas and I've been spending about 3 hours per week on wii fit. It's not overly strenuous. But have still been losing. I think it's more about being patient than expecting loads of…
  • Well Done, you look great.
  • I'm about 5ft 5 and have always been a lot heavier than I look. The smallest I've ever been as an adult is 133lbs but I really looked ill with it. I'm struggling with what weight I should set my goal at. I've now lost 44lbs all together, 26 of those lbs using MFP, and still weigh 150lbs, but I don't think I should lose…
  • I always have some slim fast in the fridge but I only use it for lunch when I'm at work. I work shifts and move around different buildings alot and it's just more convenient than forgetting which fridge you left your lunch in. I don't use them on my days off and I always make sure I have a proper meal to compensate. I…
  • You may not be doing anything wrong, rather than repeat everything that's already been said, I was wondering what sort of excercise you are doing. If you're building up muscle you may weigh heavier even though you're losing fat because muscle weighs heavier than fat. Keep plugging at it I'm sure you'll win in the end.