Hey everyone, I am trying MFP again. I love walking. I walk 3-6 miles every day. My problem is, I have trouble with snacking after dinner. I eat snack size candy bars or potato chips,( I do always use portion control when eating potato chips.) I need your support and prayers, that I can have the will power to do this.


  • KweenKJS
    KweenKJS Posts: 9 Member
    I have a snacking problem too, so I have myself a designated snacking time that was NOT after dinner. I used to snack after dinner all the time, but it left me feeling sluggish in the mornings and gaining weight rapidly. Now I dedicate 2 hours between lunch and dinner as snack time. I get my snacks but while I'm still active during the day. I like to look at is as having my dessert before dinner, even if it's not a sweet snack, it's still a treat! I hope my experience help. Good luck!
  • megnolia82
    megnolia82 Posts: 856 Member
    You can definitely do it! Feel free to add me if you'd like some daily encouragement
  • SoleTrainer60
    SoleTrainer60 Posts: 180 Member
    Thank you very much, I appreciate all the help I can get. : )
  • fostersu
    fostersu Posts: 327 Member
    Prayers, vibes, well wishes, and support all headed your way
  • Chrissy2049
    Chrissy2049 Posts: 14 Member
    Yes I can relate to this. In my case I do it when I am on my own and that could be any time during the day. If I have friends round I do not do it, it as if I am proving to my friends I can diet and saying to them 'look I am being good' then when they have gone I eat.
  • mandy_godfree
    mandy_godfree Posts: 72 Member
    Yes I know what you mean. At home I'm fine but, when I'm at work I get the 4pm munchies and really struggle not to reach for a Cadbury Twirl. X
  • SoleTrainer60
    SoleTrainer60 Posts: 180 Member
    My husband and I went grocery shopping and I bought healthy snacks. Clementines, fresh spinach, 97% free turkey breast,fresh baby carrots etc,I am trying to keep the bad snacks out of our house. If it is there, We will eat it.
  • TheArchyBunker
    TheArchyBunker Posts: 1,967 Member
    Hey everyone, I am trying MFP again. I love walking. I walk 3-6 miles every day. My problem is, I have trouble with snacking after dinner. I eat snack size candy bars or potato chips,( I do always use portion control when eating potato chips.) I need your support and prayers, that I can have the will power to do this.

    Prayers said. I wish you the VERY best and if you are asking for prayers on this you know you got the best support network in your corner. Call upon Him any time you feel the craving and he will feed you. You can do this, you got to keep the faith strong you got to lean on Him, you got to Believe you can do this and put your trust and worries on him, not you. When I work out He is my spotter.
  • SoleTrainer60
    SoleTrainer60 Posts: 180 Member
    Thanks for the prayers. While walking, I love talking to Him. It seems more personal, I guess nothing around to distract you. :)
  • sharonandwyatt
    sharonandwyatt Posts: 86 Member
    I'm on my second time around with MFP. I know it works because I lost 40 lbs the first time. We just need to stick with it and log everything. Going out with friends is a huge problem for me as well. Good luck everyone. We can do this!!!