Does this really work?

desrtros5 Posts: 2 Member
edited March 2017 in Introduce Yourself
Hi my name is Shelley, I'm new to fitness pal. I have already lost a few lbs but could be just because I finally quit eating candy since I just stopped smoking, I was gorging on candy to replace the cigs lol...ugh
I really want to lose weight now so I'm curious from those that have been using this program does it really work? I feel like some days I'm eating too many calories but when I look at my report and it's ok, yet I'm still very hungry, and then some days they say add things because I'm not eating enough calories, so makes me wonder if I'm going to lose weight.
So please share your thoughts, I'd be grateful
Thank You
I'm having a hard time getting motivated to exercise


  • NerdyWord33
    NerdyWord33 Posts: 52 Member
    Maybe you're not eating enough calories if the site suggests more?
    When I first joined (a different account about 4 yrs ago), it started me at 1200.
    At my size with my activity level, that's not enough! I calculated my TDEE,and that's what I go by. Message me,and I can try to help you figure that out.
    Calorie counting isn't a cookie cutter approach, like a lot of diets.
    The same numbers aren't going to fit each person's need.
    Also,it depends on the quality of what you're eating.
    I could make my entire 1650 calories for the day nothing but chocolate cake, that's not going to keep me full though.
    Are you eating a good balance of proteins and fiber as well? Getting in good carbs? It's all portion control and filling choices.
    It works. I've lost weight with this before I had my baby.
    It really takes getting involved though.
    Find some friends that aren't new to the subject and ask for help.
    Look through some of the forums and post questions as necessary.
    Remember there are meanies out there, it is the internet, and don't let them deter you.
    You've got this. It's just about doing it.
  • Ducybabe
    Ducybabe Posts: 1 Member
    I lost 20 ounces while using this app
  • RobertJeromePutman500
    I have lost 78lbs since June using this app. It works.
  • rsclause
    rsclause Posts: 3,103 Member
    Yes it works I lost 50 pounds on MFP. I have slacked off a bit so I will need to get serious again. Here are some things that I feel help me.
    1) Its not a diet its a new lifestyle.
    2) It deosn't require starvation. But it does require managing portion size. It also helps to eat less calorie dense foods that will make you feel full and candy ain't on the list. It get easier as time goes on.
    3) Not required but exercise help move thing along faster.

  • mandy_godfree
    mandy_godfree Posts: 71 Member
    I'm second time around with this app, and when done diligently it does really work. First time I used it in 2011 I lost 52lbs and dropped 2 dress sizes. That took 9 months. I put weight back on since 2013 after surgery, and started to use the app again in August 2016. In the last 7 months I've lost 22lbs and dropped one dress size, as well as increasing my fitness.

    The keys for me with this app are:

    1. Be realistic about how much you can lose in a week. - mine is set for 1lb per week
    2. Calorie goal should be set to have a deficit - mine is set at 1570 per day
    3. Exercise - not just get generally active but really exercise at least 3 times per week 30 min minimum a time. Mix up muscle toning with cardio, and most importantly find exercise you actually enjoy or you will just stop exercising.
    4. If you're tempted to eat something and it takes you over your calorie count, don't do it; better to be 100 calories under that 6 over, if you're tempted to do it one day, you'll do it the next and before you know it you feel too guilty to log and stop using the app.
    5. When logging food and exercise, be honest. If your food isn't listed and you choose something on the list that's similar choose a similar product with the highest calorie count. For example for latte at work I always choose Pret on the list because it's higher than some of the other brands.
    6. Most importantly log, log everything the more you get in the habit of logging the more you realise how many calories you eat and in what foods. It's an education.
    7. When it's a special occasion, birthday or Christmas don't worry you went over a bit or put on a couple of pounds. My progress graph has two spikes in wieight. I don't even have to look at the dates. They are Christmas and my birthday. But after the celebration get back to logging.
    8. Always eat at least 1100 calories per day.

    This is something you really have to be committed to in the long term to work. But it does work.
  • desrtros5
    desrtros5 Posts: 2 Member
    Thank you for the comments. They are inspiring, insightful and gives me hope. I like it so far because it's keeping me honest about what I'm eating daily. Now that I'm not smoking ive become even more committed to becoming healthy. I was diagnosed with scleroderma, it's the internal kind so it's important I keep healthy to have a longer life
  • starryvagabond
    starryvagabond Posts: 60 Member
    It works. I have been using this app since 2013. I have done two major diets using this app, the first time I lost 65 pounds but gained it all back and then some. This time I've lost 85 pounds and I'm still losing. It's not a diet - it's a lifestyle change. Remember that. If you need motivation, feel free to add me as a friend. c: