

  • I don't know that I would count tea or coffee as water because they are both diuretics.
  • Usually I work out first thing in the morning so I my breakfast afterwards is a protein shake (plant protein), a banana, and then some walnuts mid-morning. Sometimes I think to switch it up and I make a smoothie (typically containing spinach, kale, juice, banana, frozen berry mix). My breakfasts are always something I can…
  • Not technical science, but a food documentary that I had watched at one point (not sure which it was, possibly forks over knifes?) was very informative about this information. They had said the reason organic was "healthier" was because they use pesticides in non-organic to kill the insects. The reason this needs to be…
  • I am new to some of this information so I haven't looked into some of it, yet! I was frequently on antibiotics when I was a kid due to having strep throat a lot (and also had my tonsils and adenoids removed). I am a very picky eater though and do not particularly like onions or peppers (rarely do I eat them) and I haven't…
  • What I have found that has worked for me is that I give myself a cheat once a week. This isn't a cheat day, just simply a snack on which ever day I would choose. Whether that snack be candy, chips, etc. but only have one portion once a week. I also considered white bread a cheat (though I can't have wheat anymore) so if I…