xHeidixbx Member


  • Just stick to eating healthy and try and burn at least 500cals when your working out, I try to stick to eating around 1200 to 1400 cals which can be hard when my partner loves to eat rubbish :) and when you have burnt it spend a bit of time toning so it doesnt turn back to fat just 10 to 15 minst doing sit ups and push ups…
  • When I first started working out and eating less I didnt loose for about a month and then lost 10 pound over the next 3 which doesn't sound alot but I only want to loos another stone and slow and steady means you hopefully wont put it back on, when you start exercising you build muscle which is heavier so stick with it and…
  • i'v just got the game :) and addicted, not aclue how much i have burnt on it like, don't really get how to check that on it, but I will figure it out an have a go next week at burning 1200.
  • I found it through an iphone app too, its so easy to log everything into and best of all its free :p I'v not weighed my self since I have started using it about a week ago, only coz I will be dissapointed if I haven't lost more than a pound. Well done with the loss so far, keep it up. Good luck.
  • Do you weigh your self at the same time every day? because your weight is varied throught the day by 1 to 2 pound so they say to weigh your self at the same time. I hardly ever weigh my self now though, every couple of weeks I think, depresses me other wise,
  • just got that game off amazon, if it gets here in time I'm up for the challenge.
  • oOOo think I need to buy this game, I got just dance for the wii and its a bit poo