

  • I don't know why but today was so hard! Not really the workout but I just wasn't into it and had to force myself to be...maybe just a case of the Monday's! Haha. Only one more day!!!!
  • I don't know how that couldn't burn as many calories as the last two levels because that kicked my butt! I was sweating but I also tried my best to stay with Natalie as much as I could. Definitely my favorite level so far and I can't wait to see how much easier it gets for us because were getting stronger!!
  • I'm just curious if I am the only one this is happening to...my weight is jumping like crazy! In the past 2 and a half weeks it went down 2 pounds, jumped up 4, went down 5, and now I'm back up 3. During the week I'm doing 30 minutes cardio, the 30 day shred, and a workout class and on the weekends I'm just doing the…
  • Level 2 is no joke! I don't know about anyone else but I could barely make it through it and I found myself taking a few little 3 second breaks. Kind of discouraging because I really want to get the best results I can but hopefully it gets easier as time goes on!!
  • Maybe it's just me but I think the squat and presses AND the side lunges are killer! I also have zero upper body strength so that could be why. Day 5 seemed a little tiring to me but I'm also working in running/walking and workout classes. I'm hoping tomorrow is easier!
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