

  • Bet On It by Zac Efron from High School Musical.... lol yep... it's a surprisingly perfect song. "I'm not gunna stop!"
  • you look amazing! who dat who dat! i believe thats a saints jersey and i approve :D but seriously, good work. you're an inspiration to us all :D
  • Ok i'm so glad its not just me being the crazy hungry girl :D thanks guys!! this is so helpful! I will try all of these actually!
  • My boyfriend and I have an honor system set up. We normally let each other do whatever they want, but there are rules! No flirting and no kissing/anything of that nature. I mean, lets be honest, they will always have some type of wandering eyes. But we said if we ever did ANYTHING with someone else we would tell each other…
  • My goal is to lose weight, yeah. And I mean I've always been picky and I don't really eat that much so it confuses me on why I haven't already lost it, but the metabolism thing makes sense!