

  • because I grew up eating carbohydrates...I lived in a world that considered carbohydrates a staple of their diet (as do most in western society) Eating carbohydrates is the reason I am where I am but it's also lead me to this realization and learning about controlling them, as carbs becomes an addiction over time (as does…
  • Just like in life - there are many "ideals" to follow and everyone chooses what works for them - as long as they're happy with it, tha's all that matters. I eat a low carb/hig fat/moderate protrein eating plan (ATKINS) and I'm very happy with the results. it's a way of eating I've embraced fully. but when it comes to ppls…
  • I do the same but not with calories, with net carbs. I eat 20 grams of net carbs a day, and I look at the nutritional value label on something, and think, I just can't "waste" my carb "bank" on that!
  • according to a site I looked it up on (i just did my first class) you'll burn 500 - 800 calories for an hour workout (the average 157 lb woman will burn about 535 it said) :)
  • I just ordered the Moving Comfort Juno Bra (it cost 41.95 US) free shipping because I got it shipped to our border store in the states (I'm 45 min. away from the border in canada) . I cant' wait to try it - it ships in 1 - 2 days!!! A girl at work - not overweight at all but very large busted, she said she wears the JUNO…
  • I'm ordering one of these right now! :) (marika)
  • I would like to know this too - I hate doing jumping jacks and thigns like that because - well, it hurts! (meaning it hurts my chest to be bouncing up and down all the time)
  • OMG you look amazing!!!!! wow, good job!! i hope 30 lbs makes that much of a difference on me!! good fo ryou
  • wow you look just great! thanks for the motivation!!!
  • hi :) add me :) I'm not doing great right now and an another supporter would be great for me too! :)
  • Use a cream (Thentix) it's amazing - i think you can order it online - I don't get a rash but I've always had a belly (my rashes used to happend between my theighs from them rubbing together (in the summer for example) - anyway one of the ingrediants of this cream is honey (with it's AMAZING healing powers)…
  • hi ;) i use my cell phone to time my intervals - I use the Jillian Michaels app on my iphone - i use the "motionometer" part - it senses your motion can counts the calories, but it also has a big digital clock on it in that part of the app - so that's waht I use to time myself, super easy to see :)
  • Checking in with my weight for this week (weighed in today October 16/10) 227 lbs :)
  • you need to do what you feel is best for you - and I hope this is what you want it to be. but I want to caution you to not rely on the surgery to change your life for good - you have to do that - from the inside out- the reason people gain the weight back after "dieting" is because they were dieting -a temporary diet leads…
  • checking in.... starting weight at time of challenge - i don't know (logged somewhere lol) current weight: 228.9 (pretty much still plateaued - this morning was the first morning the scale moved at all!) overall starting weight (since beginning of this weight loss journey): 251 current weight: 228.9 weight lost: 22.1
  • great job!! i like the 30 day shred - i started out strong with it, but once i didn't do it for a few days I got out of it :( so it's time to get back to it :) congrats - that's great!!! such an inspiration
  • I would like to know the same thing - there's a 570 calorie difference between my current goal for calories and my BMR (which I'm assuming means that if we need that many calories to "live and breathe" than that's how many I should be I want to make sure that I'm on the right track
  • good for you!!!! i've only ever walked so I know what you mean - I'm starting to run, and am running up to 3-4 min. on the treadmill and was overjoyed with that too LOL so i hear ya! at first I'd be changing the speed on my treadmill and pounding the button down to lower the speed so i could stop running, now I run for the…
  • do we check in every week or anything??? or do we send our stats to you and you'll update it all in a thread? : )
  • I'll join!! :) hmmm my christmas goal?? lose 40 lbs by Christmas (my smaller goal is to lose 20 by mid October)....If these goals prove to be too high to reach, my plan B goal will be to lose 30 lbs by christmas :) I don't know how to do a new ticker for the christmas challenge but I'll update stats SW (at time of…
  • is anyone here from the Thunder Bay area??? i know it's a long shot, but I thought i'd ask :)
  • hi everyone - thanks for the encouragement!!! I really needed that!! I've been pretty bummed - one of my problems is that I weigh myself every morning (i know - a HUGE no no) when I don't see the progress (like i would each week) i get down - I have to stop that LOL I do use my Wii and the Biggest Loser game - and…
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