tyediri Member


  • Thanks Sollyn. I should clarify I meant that I lose the muscle definition in my bum. If I lose slowly, I tend to retain it more. The last time I lost fast I looked more skinny fat with the additional joy of a less defined bum. But if I lose slowly, hit my protein and keep weight training (not crazy amounts), I tend to…
  • I'm 5'4 and about 146lbs at the moment. I carry most of my weight in my upper body, and have a tummy pooch from 2 c-sections. I wear size 10s, but if I didn't have my pooch I reckon I'd be a size 8. Note: these are UK sizes
  • Highly recommend doing a challenge BTW. I've had on demand for months, but after just 2.5 weeks of the fast nurner challenge the time I can hold a hover has more than doubled from 1min 3secs to 2mins 8 secs. Whoop! 😊
  • Ah I have it and am already halfway through a challenge. Have you joined the les mills challenge Facebook group? It is very active and lots of people team up do yo challenges together on there.
  • ^^this... Having gone through 2 pregnancies recently I can confirm this is true. However, along with this there are guidelines on how much weight you should aim to gain based on your starting stats. Having said that, pregnancy is a hell of a ride. With nausea and morning sickness, and the huge changes you are going through…
  • It looks like you are making good changes and heading in the right direction. With weight loss in its simplest form, it comes down to calories in vs calories out. So if you haven't already, my suggestion would be to add all your stats (weight/height/goal, etc) on this app and select a rate of loss you are happy with (with…
  • It is still all gone though. I edited a recipe that was created pre 2017, but we made it last night. I was able to update it yesterday. Today I tried to change the servings to account for the leftovers I had and it had disappeared. Its literally blank. I'll probably have to email someone. Thank you for the responses.
  • Thank you! Nothing yet, so fingers crossed it will come back. I've been adding recipes since 2012. I'll be devastated to lose it all! 🤞
  • Think of it like this. Would you say a stone weighs more than a feather? But a pound of stone should weight the same as a pound of feathers too right? It has to do with density. If you take an empty box and fill it with stones, that will weigh more than if you took that same box and filled it with feathers. Because stone…
  • This!!! I grew up in a country where many people didn't speak English and/or mispronounced the words, including my parents. I was an avid reader growing up and had a large vocabulary from reading as well. Then I moved to the UK 13 years ago for uni and had many English friends. A couple years later one of my new friends…
  • Thank you! I can't be on any hormonal birth control so it shouldn't be an issue. I will check that website out so I will know what to expect each month a little better. 😊
  • Ps: my diary shows a lot of red, but I'm losing at a slightly faster than expected pace as I've set my profile as sendentary while on most days I run around after a toddler or clean all day while on maternity leave, so it works for me. When I go back to work I'll be truly sedentary so will leave the setting as that and…
  • I am 5'4, 159lbs, goal weight 130lbs. Currently breastfeeding and losing at a rate of between 0.5-1lbs a week eating between 2000-2500kcals on Mon-exercise days and about 2800kcals on exercise days (I don't burn a lot. Haha). I'm cleaning and running after a toddler all day on my non-exercise days. When I wasn't…
  • I took it to mean including exercise calories (not net calories). The actual amount of food eaten. Xx
  • Agree with previous listers about getting an ID and walking. Also, I live in the UK so not sure what the exact offerings from McDonald's are, but for example here you could choose a grilled wrap, diets drinks or a juice and there is no harm in checking whether you can swap the fries to a fruit bag (medium Fries in the UK,…
  • To answer the original question. Nope! I have irregular periods and have all my life. Sometimes it's close together, sometimes (rarely) 6-8 weeks apart. It's supposed to be normal if yours has been like this all your life. I also only started to realise how irregular when I was tracking my days when trying to conceive.…
  • You definitely shouldn't reduce your calories to 1000kcals a day! 1200kcals is the absolute minimum recommended for women and 1500kcals for men. Do you still log on your cheat day? How did you lose the weight? Was it through counting your calories? Did anything change 8 months ago? If you are in a calorie deficit you…
  • Pregnant lady in first trimester here and that smoothie of fresh fruit and boiled egg nearly made me throw up!! 🤢
  • I don't have cheat meals or days per se... At least I don't call them that. Sometimes I will go over my calories if its the time of the month, or I've had a very bad day or feeling especially ravenous!! But I don't plan for these days and try to stick to my goal anyway, but if I go over I won't fret too much about it but I…
  • Went over maintenance by about 1000kcals but oh well! Logged it and moving on! Today is a new day!
  • Could you try and add some high calorie "healthy" food in to your diet, such as a avacado or nuts? You might find that easier than adding chocolates or sweets? Maybe make sure you prelog a small "treat" every day, so you know you can have it but since you are prelogging it, you are in control? You know yourself best, but I…
  • You should really speak to your doctor, but you should not really look at losing weight while pregnant (unless you are severely obese and/or are advised to for medical reasons). Personally I would eat at maintenance for the first trimester and then about 350kcals extra a day in the second trimester and about 450kcals extra…
  • That is good to know ! I always thought it was related to serving size! You can always learn something new on here. :-)
  • I never used to either, but thought I'd give it a try as I only have 10lbs to lose and have to tighten up my logging. Now I'll weigh a couple slices of bread from a loaf to get an idea of what the actual weight is like, and then don't weigh the rest of the loaf. Working ok so far. I'm losing about a pound every 3 weeks!
  • I had no idea! I thought it was related to serving size. I guess it does make sense, especially for premade meals and the like. I can't imagine the calorie content can vary too much for 100g of bread, milk or cheese?
  • Yes I've heard that. Is it + or - 20%, because I don't recall many servings that were more than a couple grams less than stated on the packet. They always seem to be more? (apart from my 2 perfect slices of bread today!
  • I use little "pink" handweights during normal Zumba classes sometimes, but I wouldn't class this at toning. It does help raise your heart rate more though and gives you a better cardio workouts (yes, your arms start to ache too), but I just log it as normal Zumba.
  • 5'4 143lbs currently. Aiming to get down to 120lbs, very, very slowly. I will be happy to get there by end of June next year really! :)
  • Why so fast??? The recommended maximum healthy rate to lose weight is 2lbs/week. Losing it quickly means more dramatic changes to the way you eat. The bigger the change, the less likely you will stick to it which is why you keep going back to your old habits. You can juice, reduce your calories massively, lose 50lbs in 2…