eleanorpie Member


  • You're spending about what the USDA calls a "liberal" amount of money for a single person: http://www.cnpp.usda.gov/Publications/FoodPlans/2013/CostofFoodJun2013.pdf But if you don't eat out a lot and if you don't eat a bunch of processed crap, that sounds pretty reasonable to me.
  • That has seriously got to be a one-in-a-million chance. And since you know one of the million, there's no way you could know the other million.
  • Your weight diary is almost exactly like mine. Tons of variance; I can easily "lose" five pounds overnight. I think about all the things I eat and drink in a a day and realize that my body can hold onto a lot more than it seems. For instance, if you really want to feel skinny, weigh yourself first thing in the morning…
  • I like to have my morning egg and egg white with black beans, or spinach and sauteed veggies like peppers or mushrooms. I'll even eat an egg over steamed broccoli! Grains like millet and quinoa are also pretty tasty if you cook them right - plus add chopped up greens (kale is my favorite) to everything you can! Stirred…
    in Fibre Comment by eleanorpie June 2012
  • I'd take a loss of inches over weight any day. You may not feel like you're putting on muscle, but I'll bet that's the culprit. This is a good result!
  • Yeah, I definitely think you're doing the right thing. Pay penance with a workout, and don't look at it as a failure. It's just a step in the process - the key is not to make a habit of it.