Fluctuating weight...



  • LearnFromTheRed
    LearnFromTheRed Posts: 294 Member
    I've lost 6lbs over night before now. Your general progress looks very similar to mine - up 2, down 3, up 4, no change, down 1 (and always up 2 after leg exercises)...if it isn't normal, neither am I ;-)
  • skullshank
    skullshank Posts: 4,323 Member
    It can very normal, but it can also be a medical condition.. anytime you gain or loose 3lbs or more over night then you should check with a dr.. Fluid around your heart could cause this.. BUT It is also normal with dieting and weight loss.

    solid post.

    it could be normal...but it could be AIDS, but it's also normal.

    yours as well.. No advice but trying to look down on someone else for trying to help..

    Go You !!

    suggesting someones daily weight fluctuation could be the cause of a medical condition involving fluid around the heart is *not* helping them. especially someone who is (seemingly) already a bit obsessive.
  • deedzzz
    deedzzz Posts: 220 Member
    Are you drinking water while working out? Is the workout in the evening?

    The only solution is stop weighing yourself everyday, just once a week, in the morning wearing the same amount of clothes
  • Dandeliiondreams
    Dandeliiondreams Posts: 116 Member
    But being honest is, and thats what people need. I didn't tell her she was dying. I told her it was probably nothing, but informed her what it could be.

    Nothing wrong with being helpful and nothing wrong with being cautious.

    Also if it even were fluid theres simple fixes.
  • I do not want anybody being immature in here. I'm not obsessive, it's just something that I check when I work out. I don't care about the number, but I noticed it was fluctuating a lot, so I came to ask for advice.

    Please stop replying if you are going to continue bickering.

    Yes, I drink at least 20-30oz of water with every workout. I work out in the mornings and evenings, sometimes both.

    I always wear the same amount of clothes when I weigh myself.

    I appreciate all of the constructive feedback!!
  • eleanorpie
    eleanorpie Posts: 25 Member
    It's not that I'm worried about my weight so much, because I know that I am exercising well and eating very well, so eventually I'll get to a point of healthy, which is what I want.

    I just don't want there to be some underlying issue that I'm ignoring. But if this is normal, then I'll take it with a grain of salt!

    Your weight diary is almost exactly like mine. Tons of variance; I can easily "lose" five pounds overnight.

    I think about all the things I eat and drink in a a day and realize that my body can hold onto a lot more than it seems. For instance, if you really want to feel skinny, weigh yourself first thing in the morning after you drink too much the night before. Hangovers are basically just dehydration.

    So what I normally do is try to weigh myself only once per week, and on the same day, in the same clothes, at the same time. I go for Friday mornings first thing, no clothes. Because thursday nights are pretty regular for me - I don't tend to drink or eat too much on those nights, so I'm fairly consistent the next morning.
  • GGDaddy
    GGDaddy Posts: 289 Member
    It can very normal, but it can also be a medical condition.. anytime you gain or loose 3lbs or more over night then you should check with a dr..

    Well if I did this, my doctor's advice would be "stop wasting my time, this is the 3rd time you've come to see me since Memorial Day"

    OP--don't be alarmed by, well, alarmism. Fluctuation is normal, just stick with the plan and follow the squiggly line downward.

  • Gothicwench
    Gothicwench Posts: 7 Member
    Weigh in the morning before breakfast and only weigh once a week.
    weigh on the same day each week and same time and you will get a more accurate weight
    This is the recommended way to weigh yourself.
  • morticia16
    morticia16 Posts: 230 Member

    Please stop replying if you are going to continue bickering.

    sorry but i have to say this: lol, you new to mfp? :)
  • bymyslf892
    bymyslf892 Posts: 114 Member
    Don't weigh yourself so often, weigh yourself in the morning, and especially don't weigh after you workout!! lol good luck though I think you are well on your way to losing some serious weight!

  • Please stop replying if you are going to continue bickering.

    sorry but i have to say this: lol, you new to mfp? :)

    No lol.. I just don't like dealing with children. Don't get me wrong, I LOVE kids when they are between the ages of newborn and 18... Above 18 means to stop being immature.
  • symonspatrick
    symonspatrick Posts: 213 Member
    It is normal for me. I have lost 10 pounds overnight. My weight fluctuates 5 to 15 pounds depending on the circumstances. Carbs, sodium, excessive exercise, drinking lots of water or lots of food, are just a few of the things that can make my scale weight go up. I try to keep in my mind that it is only temporary and the scale will go back down but it still bothers me sometimes.