fonrouge82 Member


  • Baked Scallops with Lemon Butter, Kale, Squash, and a Lemon Plum. YUM!
  • A very ambitious, but inspiring schedule! Have you always been a runner or did you begin when your weightloss began?
  • I do Jillian Michael's Banish Fat, Boost Metabolism and log it under Circuit Training-I always wonder if the number of calories burnt is accurate also. I know the most accurate way to measure is with a HRM but I do not own one. My guess is that you don't either!
  • WOW! Congratulations on both the incredible weight loss and completing the triathlon!! Amazing work! :flowerforyou:
  • Thank you all so much for taking the time to give me advice. I appreciate the support from every one of you! :heart:
  • Thank you so much for your advice! I have not tried Muscle Milk Light but I will. I am eating lentils, nuts, Greek yogurt and some meat. Eggs make me feel :sick: though so I don't include them in my diet. The shake that I made this a.m. has 140 cals/scoop-not too high for a meal-a bit high for a snack though. Thanks again!
  • Awww...thank you! :blushing:
  • My protein goal is 128g/day with no exercise. I typically exercise 4x's/wk burning about 650 calories per session. This, in turn, increases my protein goals to a level that I have difficulty meeting without going over on carbs. I have my settings at 40% protein, 30% carbs, and 30% fat. This seems to be working for me for…
  • Can you give us some menu choices that could get your calories to 3000/day with 0 sugar, 0 carbs, and 0 fat? It seems the choices would be very limited but perhaps there are foods that I am not thinking of...Thanks!
  • Thank you so much for this link. It was very, very helpful! :smooched:
  • I am 5'3" and weigh 128 lbs. I have been running for about 10 years but have just begun interval training on the treadmill. I begin with a slow jog at 6.2 for a 5-minute warmup. I then alternate at 7.2 for 3-minute intervals then back down to 6.5 for 2 minutes and alternate these for 30 minutes. Hope this is helpful and…
  • Thank you all for the fantastic suggestions! There are a few that had slipped my mind and I will certainly try! I have not tried protein powder but what a great idea! It is because of the support from wonderful people like you that I :heart: MFP!
  • I had a portabella mushroom cap with 1 slice of american cheese and a tablespoon of honey barbeque sauce on the top. So filling and so yummy! :bigsmile:
  • Thank you Nicolina. It doesn't seem to happen with anything else like ice cream or dairy. I can't figure it out.:huh:
  • I also have changed my percentages to 40% Protein, 30% Carbs, and 30% Fats. The only issue I have found is eating too much protein at one time really hurts my stomach! For example, I enjoy Chobani yogurt, which has approximately 16g of protein with 1 Tbsp. of peanut butter, which has 4g of protein. Excellent and yummy way…
  • Chobani fat-free yogurt with honey. I add walnuts. Great source of fat-free protein as well as being yummy and filling. :love:
  • I am 5' 3" with a small frame ~ my goal is a VERY toned 120. My body seems to really be trying it's best to stay at 130. The two have compromised right now and I'm at 126. I'm still fighting to lose that last 6 pounds though.
  • I tried the Plain Chobani first....Blech! :noway: I then tried the strawberry Chobani...MUCH better! So much healthier than the Dannon Yogurt that I have been eating!
  • LOL. I'm going to chant that tomorrow...."Keep my head up and my fork down". Thank you for the smile!:laugh:
    in Oh NO! Comment by fonrouge82 June 2010
  • My mind still seems to think HOLIDAY+FAMILY=FOOD! I ate a 3 pound lobster for lunch (with butter, of course), and then ate a DQ Blizzard tonight. UGH! Back on the wagon tomorrow...
    in Oh NO! Comment by fonrouge82 June 2010
  • Thank you! I do the Banish Fat Boost Metabolism now, but think I'll give the 30 DS a try!
  • Do I need hand weights to go with the 30 DS? If so, how many pounds do you recommend (I'm in fairly good shape, but not perfect) :flowerforyou:
  • I have a love/hate :wink: :mad: relationship with Jillian Michaels Banish Fat Boost Metabolism. I love the results-hate it because she makes me want to cry about 3/4 of the way through. :cry: I would highly recommend it though. I thought I was in fairly good shape until I tried this! I really want to try the 30 DS to…
  • This sounds like the perfect group for me. I am 5'3" and began MFP on May 1st. My starting weight was 134.5. My CW is now 127. My GW is 120. I fully agree that those last 10 are tough! I'm really looking forward to being a part of this group! Please feel free to add me as a friend if you would like. :flowerforyou:
  • I always used 4 TBS of flavored creamer in my travel coffee mug. After beginning MFP, I attempted to switch to milk and sweet n low....BLECH :sad: I tried it black....BLECH :sad: I tried it with 1/2 and 1/2....BLECH :sad: I have switched to Green Tea with 1 sweet n low and 1/2 and 1/2. I'd rather not have my coffee unless…
  • Less wine. I miss my nightly glass (or 2) but I don't miss the weight that it was adding! :blushing:
  • Lotus, your post made me laugh so hard the water I was drinking came out my nose. It's only because I am EXACTLY the same way! :laugh:
  • Daytime is not a problem at all. Night time, well that is another story. Sugarfree jello, pudding, or mousse in individual cups have helped. I save calories all day to make sure I can have one at night. A cup of warm water (as cold tends to make me hungrier) helps too. Great post! I would love to hear other people's…
  • I feel exactly the same way! I began MFP May 1st and have lost 2.5 pounds in one month. I have exercised more (at least 4 times per week), cut LOTS of carbs, drank ALL of my water plus more, and eaten my 1200 calories plus most of my exercise calories back. My clothes feel a tiny bit looser but that darned scale seems not…