

  • STRENGTH TRAINING!!!! Even if it's just body weight stuff!! You need to build muscle to burn the fat, not just do cardio to lose quickly. Too much cardio without a balance of strength training will make you "skinny fat" - aka your body fat percentage will go UP and you'll end up with the extra drape-age that you're trying…
  • IIFYM is an acronym for "if it fits your macros". It is not about calories necessarily. It's about tracking your macronutrients - protein, carbs, and fat. You can adjust your goal percentages in the settings section. It is VERY effective if you have your macros set appropriately.
  • Go for something with protein and little, if any, carbs. I like to go with a protein mug cake - scoop of protein, 1 egg white and a leedle water. Nuke it for ~:30-:60 and voila!! I top mine with Walden Farms chocolate syrup and marshmallow fluff. Mmmm..
  • That's what I was thinking... In the words of David after dentist: Is this real life??
  • After about 4-6 lbs. But at that point I was down 10+ inches.
  • 20-25%?!?! I would like to know what you people are basing your knowledge on... I'm at 18% and will be cutting SIGNIFICANTLY before my contest. Are you talking about random on the beach contests or actual NPC/IFBB contests? HUUUUUGE difference. Do some research before you make ridiculous claims. Do you even know what…
  • NO WAY! I am prepping for a competition and lifting weights is A MUST!!!! I'm in the gym almost every day!! And "real" fitness competitions?! You're lucky I'm new to the circuit... some of my friends who've been doing it for a while would be even more offended than I. You should research before you make comments like that.…
  • Weight is MUCH more accurate than measuring cups, simply for obvious volume reasons... weight is weight no matter what, but if you have bigger strawberries (for example) there will be more extra space that isn't filled in the measuring cup.
  • I love c25k!!! It's nice that it totally does it all for you and you just have to do what it says! :)
  • Hey yall!! I'm Cassandra and I live on northeast side. Grad school, internship and part-time job... MFP (and exercise) is my only thread to sanity! :wink: :laugh: I'm thinking of becoming a Beach Body coach! An Indy MFP challenge group would be AWESOME! Let me know if you're interested!!