

  • Hi, great attitude. You can do it! I will look forward to hearing of your progress. Fairly newbie, Anne
    in hello Comment by AnneL3264 December 2008
  • My goal is 130 by Christmas! :drinker:
  • Hi Sherry, I think that you are awesome. I live by myself (just me and my dog) and this may seem weird, but when I look at myself in the mirror, I tell myself (out loud) that I am awesome and doing great! HIP HIP HOORAY! Keep loving yourself and you will do well. Anne L
  • Hi, Amaretto is a liquor. Hope this helps. Anne
  • Hi Kelly, I am new too. My name is Anne. I have spent most of my life obsessing about my weight. Every day for the last couple of years, I have said " today I will start over". Part of the problem was that I commuted to and from my job for at the very least 1.5 hours each way. This threw everything off and it was hard to…