runningk919 Member


  • I have the Fitbit One and I LOVE IT! I accidentally washed it this weekend and IT STILL WORKS that is an awesome product, in my opinion! It does track stairs, and you're right stairs burn more calories than walking alone.
  • i found the dandelion tea bags in the organic section of Kroger (i'm in the US) for $5 for 16 bags. Definitely cheaper than the $12, it's worth checking the organic section of a local grocery store.
  • Doctors do NOT necessarily recomment prescriptions solely on your needs. Doctors get kick backs for recommending products and prescribing them to clients; it's sad and scary to think about but you absolutely have to find a doctor that is truly concerned with what you need as a patient and not what he needs as a…
  • Thanks for the advice; I'll check out the video ASAP and try them out tomorrow morning :D
  • I have been working on morning trips to the gym. I am NOT a morning person but I feel fantastic when I manage to squeeze in a workout before work. I think I have found my trick; I put my alarm in the kitchen with a light on. This way I had to get up and walk halfway across the house to turn it off, it gave me time to wake…
  • CW: 135 GW: 115 I'm so pumped about this :D I NEED the motivation!!!
  • i would log it as "circuit training general" when i go to the gym i do a warm up on the treadmill alternating sprints and walking to cool down i log this as running obviously then i move on to strength training. i do abs, arms and legs including squats and benchpress i log this part of my workout as circuit training for…
  • this is what i do... i don't like cooking once i get home so on Sunday night i cook dinner for the entire week. Usually it's two proteins (chicken cooked 2 different ways ha) and a crap load of veggies. I just pull out what I want to eat that night and let my kids choose what they want (from the choices I cooked the…
  • Hill Sprints and a cardio interval of jumping jacks, squats, crunches and push ups 5x.... Usually by the end of this combo (intervals and hill sprints) I am DRENCHED in sweat and burn about 8-900 calories in an hour and a half. LOVE IT!
  • I am doing this in October and I am so freaking excited! My boyfriend and I are both doing it and have been training (running and strength training) and I've been hitting it pretty hard lately. There's nothing like electro-shock therapy to motivate your *kitten* to run!
  • Girl you are not alone on this one! I have anxiety and depression both and was recently prescribed medication that helps oh so much. It definitely affects my diet and exercise, I have days where I just fill like a zombie. For example, Tuesday night I made homemade pizza with my kids and carb overload kicked in. Between…
  • I'm a mother of 2 and a full time student and i work 40 + hours a week :D trust me girl I need all the motivation I can get... I'm friend requesting you... you got this!