Photoarts Member


  • I am 53, struggled with my weight for ever. Had to take the plunge and join a slimming club. Lost 11.5lb in 6 weeks. 1 stone to go. It can be done.
  • I have to have a target weight. I have booked the holiday and frankly if I lose 1 stone before we go I will be very happy. My first target is half a stone by the end of March. That I am sure is possible.
  • I can live with 16lb. It will get my weight under another stone target. Thanks for your advise.
  • I turn 53 in April. My target is 1 and a half stone. I am aiming for 1 stone by end April. Any help would be appreciated.
  • Thank you for your support. If you have any tips or recipes please pass them on.
  • Hi, my name is Laura, Ideally I would like to lose another stone and a half having lost 7lb so far, I joined Rosemary Conley and started well, but then went off the boil. I have always had weight problems but lost over a stone for my wedding 3 years ago, it would be nice to be that weight again. Hope you all get on well…