

  • This is so simple and really helpful & fun, you will love it. Just stick with it, dont get discouraged when you "fall", get back on - the body will respond if you dont give up!
  • Same thing here, have exercised for 30+ days in a row for the first time in my life, controlled my portions and eaten healthier and had not lost a single lb until a week ago, so frustrating. The only explanation I've gotten is that the exercise is building muscle which weighs more than fat...and while I know that sounds…
  • My daughter is already 21...but since she was 12 I attempted to the the same thing with her! Sometimes it worked, and others didnt. We joined Weight Watchers and lost 10 lbs each over a month, but then she stopped coming. All these years, I beat myself trying to find new ways, cooking healthier, not buying fattening…
  • Hello! It is a pretty neat site, easy to use and gives you a real insight into the things we eat...sometimes I am very surprised by the calorie counts! I hope you stay on course, the main thing for me is to get back on it after I've slipped...and I hope the site helps. Much success, you are a beautiful young…
  • Lemon and salt! Taste great and no calories to add!
  • Thanks you guys - you were all right and contributed something to my success. I did stick with it, I did start drinking more water, I did stop stressing about it a little bit - and I've lost 9 lbs since! Thanks again!