

  • I enjoy grilled or pan seared fish, I love Bass, Talapia, Salmon, and they are all fast to fix because they cook in just a few minutes. I was never a fist person before I made this life change now I crave it. Great protein source and natural oils and B vit. I find it very filling because of the amount of natural fats in…
  • thats a great idea to pre grill going to make some today thanks
  • sorry to seem dumb but what is macro combination please thanks
  • I find when my protein intake is higher I do not do this so bad. And sometimes snack on deli meat with a pickle wrapped around it and that is satisfying. I also sometimes like a sugar free Popsicle if I am craving something sweet. I love the ones by philly swirl that are only 14 calories a bar because they are made with…
  • I have found a couple of wonderful alternitives to bread. one is called Mr wheat, they are a crispy rice cake type thing one is about the size of a small tortilla but at 16 calories a piece you can feel great about adding other ingredients that are higher in calorie like real mayo. the other product is by…
  • I am in for sure. start weight Oct 30 is 232 goal for the month is to get to 220 ( that would be a 12 lb loss this month) to exercise every day in some way to eat my proteins first and (eat 6 small meals a day with no skipping I do so much better that way)
  • Please can I join you. I am totally wanting to start exercising and have not been able to motivate myself to do it . I hope it is not to hard my joints are bad I hope to be able to modify it for me Please do send me the link. Can I friend you so I see your progress on my phone? thanks
  • I had gastric sleeve surgery on August 8th would love to be your friend! :laugh: I love my fitnesspal so far because it is so customizable to your needs and portions Just do not listen to the stuff about starvation mode in our case because we are under a Drs care it is ok.
  • I just joined this site and would love to have this support too. I had gastric sleeve surgery one month ago and am already hitting a stall have been the same for over a week now. glad to find this site thanks for the help all. how did you all get those tickers on the bottom of your post? thanks