

  • Try this if you like pork. I take a pork steak and season it with meat tenderizer, pepper, garlic powder, and worcestershire sauce. Put it in the oven for about 30 minutes, turning it once. It comes out good and have a good taste. A 4 oz serving has 19 g protein, 17g fat, 240 cal. I usually do 2 oz, because I'm counting…
  • I do skull crushers to tighten up my triceps. start with a lite weight. If you don't know what they are you can google it, and it will show you. Start lite. when you are a ble to do sets of 10 x 10 with the current weight, move up in 5 lbs. increments.
  • I had the gastric by pass surgery on July 15, 2011. At first i thought i was making a big mistake, you here so many people talking about "Don't take the easy way out." This is anything but easy, but it was well worth it.. I've lost 70 lbs. since then. Unbelievable right???, but it's true. The surgery is a tool. What I mean…
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