

  • Wednesdays seem to e a bad day for me to weigh in for some reason. I am up to 185.4 from 183.6 on Friday. Very discouraging! I will try again on Friday and see what happens.
  • I am 5'6" and I weigh 185. I fit into my wedding dress. it would just feel a little better around if I were about 5 lbs lighter. I actually didn't have a real goal in mind when I started working out and counting calories. I just wanted to lose some. Instead I have gained weight. My trainer measures me every week, but I…
    in Herbalife Comment by rach700 March 2009
  • Just to clarify that is a 0.6 lb weight gain not 6 lb weight gain. Thank God!
  • .6 weight gain this week. I am getting very discouraged. About ready to give up and say this is going to have to be good enough. 185 :(
  • My first entire week was completed last Friday and I did not lose any weight. I was exactly the same. i was really disappointed! The Herbalife guy told me I probably need to cut my calories. MFP tells me that I should eat 1600 calories a day, but the herbalife guy told me that I should cut to 1200. I am not going to do…
    in Herbalife Comment by rach700 March 2009
  • No loss for me either. Actually, about.6 gain. 184.8, but I am happy not to be going up anymore!
  • My weekend went okay. I am excited to see my weight tomorrow. I hope to see some results from the shakes and NO cheating.
  • I have heard the same thing. I think the calories that you should not go under is different for everyone. I had metabolic testing at my gym and I am not supposed to go under 1450 calories a day or I will go into starvation mode and hang on to the fat. I also found out that to stay the weight I am, I need 1875 calories. MFP…
  • Hey girls-I weighed in this morning and I am now 184.2. That is a 4lb. loss since the weigh in on Wednesday. I have no clue what that is about. Does anyone have an idea? I weighed in because I had a doctor's appointment yesterday to monitor my medication change (we think the medication was making me gain weight and not…
  • Thanks, Leslie. Have you seen any results?
    in Herbalife Comment by rach700 March 2009
  • Thank you. The reason I am thinking about it is because I am getting married in June. I have been working out 5 days a week, have a personal trainer and have been counting my calories but have not lost any weight and the wedding is getting VERY close.
    in Herbalife Comment by rach700 March 2009
  • Has anyone tried Herbalife shakes? In my area, Nutrition stores have popped up that make these shakes for you that you drink for two meals. Any success? How about keeping it off?
    in Herbalife Comment by rach700 March 2009
  • Has anyone tried Herbalife shakes?
  • Not great. I gained back two pounds. Back to 188.2. What do you girls think about your period week? Do you think that adds to your weight?
  • First of all, I journaled my food all weekend again! However, I don't add alcoholic drinks. Do you girls? I try to drink only one night a weekend. My personal trainer told me last week that she doesn't want me to drink alcohol until my wedding in June. However, she is letting me drink for my showers and my bachelorette…
  • last week- 188.2 This week- 186.6
  • I had a great week too!! I am now 186.6
  • I have already bought my dress. It is actually a bridesmaid dress so it is short. I know it will be hot even at 5:30PM. By the way, I am really proud of myself for logging my food in my food journal Saturday and Sunday. I usually just pretend like I am not counting calories on those days. :)
  • We are having a destination wedding in Florida so I planned most of the wedding over the summer. Now, I am just getting the little things like garter, ring bearer pillow, etc. I am getting VERY excited! I will be so much more excited once I lose some weight!
  • This is my first week without cheating or binging! I just hope I can stay on track over the weekend!!!!
  • I joined.
  • I am back on the wagon since Tuesday. I am back to my food journal and work out schedule. I had a break for 2 hours at work, and I went to the gym! I am really proud of myself. Usually, I would have told myself that I could not go to the gym and go back to work because I wouldn't be able to shower. I brought deodorant,…
  • I did metabolic testing at my gym, YMCA. I use a heart rate monitor when on the elliptical so I know when I am at my fat burning zone. I also use this site's food journal and send it to my trainer everyday. However, I think that it could be my responsibility. Sometimes, I fall off the food wagon and give in to my food…
  • My wedding is June 5th, when is yours? I have been working out with a trainer since November and have not lost any weight. I have actually gained weight, but have been at the gym 5 days a week. I am pretty frustrated!