Wedding Program for all

I, as many others out there, are engaged and wish to look their best on that special day. I was thinking that we all put our thoughts to gether and make a wedding boot camp fitness plan and we can all check in with eachother and support eachother. I am open to sugesstions and hopefully many individuals will be interested in this and we can get started with a wonderful program for all.


  • ajasiak
    ajasiak Posts: 108 Member
    I, as many others out there, are engaged and wish to look their best on that special day. I was thinking that we all put our thoughts to gether and make a wedding boot camp fitness plan and we can all check in with eachother and support eachother. I am open to sugesstions and hopefully many individuals will be interested in this and we can get started with a wonderful program for all.
  • rach700
    My wedding is June 5th, when is yours? I have been working out with a trainer since November and have not lost any weight. I have actually gained weight, but have been at the gym 5 days a week. I am pretty frustrated!
  • ajasiak
    ajasiak Posts: 108 Member
    wow that trainer doesnt know what hes doing i have gone with my buddy 5 days a week for 2 weeks today and lost 5 lbs
    what are you doing?
  • ajasiak
    ajasiak Posts: 108 Member
    if youd like i can help you as much as i can
  • ajasiak
    ajasiak Posts: 108 Member
    my wedding is july 20 on our anniversary and mybday is that 18th
  • Tailea
    Tailea Posts: 84 Member
    I'm getting married on May 23rd, so I don't have a whole lot of time and I know reaching my ultimate goal weight by then is impossible. I definitely want to look a lot better by then than I do now, though!
  • ajasiak
    ajasiak Posts: 108 Member
    heres what i do >>>>>>>>>>
    i walk the treadmill at the gym for 65 min 5 days a week and in 2 weeks lost 5 lbs.
    i vary the speed from 3.0 to 3.5 on a good day 3.7 but stay in your fat burning heart rate zone or it wont work. i suck in my gut for 45 sec or more every 5 min and lost 2 inch already i walk on my toes here and there while goin those speeds biggest thing to remember is STAY IN YOUR TARGET HEART RATE ZONE use the fat burn option when on the treadmill it will vary your incline too.
  • ajasiak
    ajasiak Posts: 108 Member
    another good thing that i do you know how the dancers sway their hips while dancing in a figure 8 do that while sucking in on the tread mill its helping my lose inches on my hips and thighs
  • MattySparky
    just a question, but does walking really get you into your burning heart rate zone? Maybe it does for you but I have to run for at least 5 minutes of my 25 minute run to get into my burning zone. I average 6 mph when I run.
  • ajasiak
    ajasiak Posts: 108 Member
    wow whats your fat burn heart rate supposed to be at
  • carolstrange0
    I heard if you take your age...27 and 220.... No matter what it's 220 - (your age) = the tip top of your heart rate zone... so mine is 193... thats cardio!
    So when i get on the treaddmill i take that - 10% = what i should stay in.... So between 174 & 193..
    Try and do your target heart rate at least 30 min everyother day at the gym... or like Monday and Fridays. And do weights the other days... Stay in your 1200- 1000 cal diet ....

    But weights are different... you just do what you can (DON'T HOLD YOUR BREATH) or you WILL get a headach!! As long as when your done in the hour your sweating! That means you did good... If your not... Try and up your reps next time... Once you up them and you can do 10 arm curls with 30 lbs 3 x... upi your weight... So do 35 lbs next... Dont worry about getting BULKY thoes guys work out everyday and drink muscle drinks and stay at the gym for hours.... Its hard to get big!!!

    And you WILL lose weight.
  • rach700
    I did metabolic testing at my gym, YMCA. I use a heart rate monitor when on the elliptical so I know when I am at my fat burning zone. I also use this site's food journal and send it to my trainer everyday. However, I think that it could be my responsibility. Sometimes, I fall off the food wagon and give in to my food addiction. Last week, I ordered the book, "Making Peace with Food". I am hoping that will help with that aspect of my weight loss goal.

    What food plan do you use?
  • MattySparky
    wow whats your fat burn heart rate supposed to be at

    In and around 145- 150... I just dont understand how plain old "walking" at 3 mph can get your heart rate up? Basically you're saying that walking is a hard work out for you. Im just curious.
  • MisoSoup79
    wow whats your fat burn heart rate supposed to be at

    In and around 145- 150... I just dont understand how plain old "walking" at 3 mph can get your heart rate up? Basically you're saying that walking is a hard work out for you. Im just curious.

    Her fitness level and your fitness level are probably dramatically different. I visited her profile and saw how much weight she is trying to lose. For her, walking briskly probably does raise her heart rate. It does for me, too, because I'm not in the best physical shape. I can burn 350 calories in 35 minutes of brisk walking with a few short bursts of jogging (according to my HRM) That's because I'm not physically conditioned yet...

    We all have to start somewhere. As long as you have a way to monitor your heart rate, you'll be able to tell whether your workout is physically challenging enough.

    FYI, though, "fat burning zone" and "cardio zone" are two different training zones. The fat burning zone is lower than the cardio zone. It's kind of misleading to label them like that, considering the cardio zone actually burns more calories, and thus more fat. Basically, the fat burning zone is a minimum level of effectiveness to reach weight loss goals, while cardio training zone does that AND helps to condition your heart and cardiovascular system as well. HTH
  • MattySparky
    ah I get them mixed up all the time... I meant my aerobic, or cardio zone was around 145-150ish. Yeah I was just curious, Im totally aware that everyone is different I just didn't realize that walking could raise your heart rate so much but that's just me being naive hehe.
  • jacqueline0821
    jacqueline0821 Posts: 667 Member
    I would love to get involved in a Wedding Program here. I am getting married next year but it is never too early to change. My wedding in May 15th, 2010 (our 5 year anniversary together). I want to be down to 120 for sure but 115 would be great!!!
  • ajasiak
    ajasiak Posts: 108 Member
    i was thinking everone should post the things they do to lose their weight this way eveyone gets new ideas to try