abbylaine104 Member


  • I did Week 3 Day 1 yesterday......When I looked at the run plan, I thought I would have trouble. but I actually made it through yesterday better than I did the previous two weeks! My trick is: I listen to a podcast instead of music while I'm running. (just discovered this yesterday.) My mind is so focused on what the…
  • i'd like to join as well! My sister and I are going to use the c25k app and get going....we're looking at running a 5k in either september or october! any extra support will help:)
  • I'm from East Texas. I know I've got a little twang (esp when I'm really excited about something!!) But I've noticed my words changing here lately. I've become more aware of how I pronounce words. I LOOOOOOOVVVVVVEEEEEEEE a british accent <3 (Wassup, Matthew Goode! and McFly!!) and Irish. and Scotish (hello, Gerard…
  • Jillian Michaels says in the DVD intro to only do it 5-6 days a week. She says to ALWAYS take at least one rest day because your body has to have that time to recover and it helps prevent injury. :)
  • Hey! I'm 21 and had used MFP awhile back and just recently started using it again (recently as in- two days ago!) with my close friend and workout partner. Any support is more than welcome :)