

  • Thank you! I don't lift weights, I have done the 30 day shred DVD a couple of times, not fully completed them but did get half way. That might have helped shift it evenly. Although I do feel like I've lost most of it from my chest area. The stomach is beginning to shrink slowly. It's the one part I've never had flat before…
  • AMAZING! My jaw dropped when i saw the pics, how proud must you be! True inspiration! Congratulations, you look so much happier :)
  • To me it's seeing 199 on those scales I haven't weighed that less in about 8 years and the day I say I don't weigh 200 + pounds anymore weigh something. As if this morning I weigh 202.6 meaning in all close. I can feel myself well up just thinking about it. I'll still be 55lbs away from my goal but I'll be over half way…
  • That's a really good idea thank you! My weight does fluctuate really easily too, just never shown this sort of result after a rest day. I'll test it right now :)
  • wow you look amazing! congrats :)
  • that is really sweet thank you, and thank you to everyone on the lovely comments, ive been reading everyones success stories on here for the last 8 months and i couldnt wait to add one of my own, i still have a long way to go but im finally feeling good about myself and thats the whole reason i started this journey in the…
  • thank you for the picture help, never done it before haha! and thanks guys, the dress is such a nice thing i didnt want to get rid of it :)
  • I'd been trying to lose weight for years and it always went up and down but when I stepped on the scales and saw 258, it took a while to sink in how heavy i was it didn't really believe it i thought it was just a bad week and it wouldn't be so high next week, then i started to really look at myself in the mirror and…
  • that is an incredible difference! you should be sooo proud! u look amazing! and i love your shoes in the last pic! True inspiration that anyone can do it!
  • This is a tough thing to answer i feel like i have to because you need help, i could just say just keep going and it will all work out, but you know that wont sound very helpful. Must be hard with your lung problem to motivate you to exercise but it does seem the exercise is whats holding you back on your weight loss. Even…
  • Hey guys, I've been slacking with my group lately I still check in and encourage people I'm friends with. Just been hectic with other things. Congratulations to everyone still losing and hitting your targets very proud! I've now lots nearly 23lbs still got a long way to go. But we all know slow and steady wins the race.…
  • i had on of those days today too, i stood on the scales this morning and was happy to see the number but then i went swimming and came home and ive been exhausted all day. My body aches from all the exercise and it seems like my body is fighting me to not lose the weight, ive been craving chocolate all week and no matter…
  • well its weigh day for me tomorrow, im a little optimistic this week as ive started the 30 day shred and exercised more and ive been really good sticking to my calorie goals, i did a sneaky weigh this morning and if the scales ring true ive lost 5lbs this week! but we all know what the scales like to do to use, lets hope…
  • Ive noticed since starting this that if it's my TOM and I drink tons of water as I'm usually extra thirsty I wee alot! And It usually keeps the water weight at bay only usually few pounds but I don't notice it
  • Stood on the scales and I'm disappointed no change since last Monday but I know I lost 1.5lbs in the week when I did a midweek weigh so it's either no change or a gain. Not sure how I want to look at it but it's deff been affected by my evenings takeouts twice in one night. So this week strict diet and exercise. I'm not…
  • Great work so far everyone!! X
  • I would deff think about it being that time of month I gained around the same and I just waited the next week and lost it all plus more so it's prob that. Just weigh yourself next week and forget about that gain. Doesn't count in my eyes :) besides its how u feel sometimes. If u feel good then keep that feeling weight is…
  • I'm sooo happy for u!! True inspiration!!
  • What an inspiring person!! I thought i was reading a novel! U ever thought about writing? I was hooked onto ur story. I can relate about the whole emotions thing. My emotions have deffinatly been the reasons for my yoyo weight. I'm only 24 so i can't say I know how u feel with ur late husband and being angry but I can…
  • I am a major binge eater too! I dred my days off where I know I have nothing going on because I don't attempt to make something healthy half the time because it's too much effort so I don't eat for ages then I get hungry and go for a food hunt and it's usually something in a packet full of sugar or fat to give me the quick…
  • Thanks juls!!! Love how ur getting involved and it's ur first day! And thank u. We are all doing well and lets help each get that bit further :)
  • Happy weekend! Guys! Look forward to everyone's weigh ins on Monday :)
  • It's for people who weigh 200lbs or more :) I didn't think how people would interpret it. I would also be nothing ;) of course u can stay. Thank u :) x
  • hi im not sure if that was aimed at me, but i started here on 257 and started back the app again at the beginning of july so ive lost 15lbs or so in just over a month
  • well i just read a post someone put up asking if their calories was too low for their weight and a lot of people are saying the mfp sets it on average and u can adjust to ur liking....some were saying high some were low i think it depends on the person, i mean its only 100 calories less than mfp tells me i can have so im…
  • i dont eat back my calories i burn i sometimes go into it if i know im going to be eating more calories than usual thats it though, i mean i dont starve i never feel hungry and im still losing at the moment. when i lost my first 10lbs it gave me a new goal of 1675 so it did lower it for me. I think going for 1750 is high…
  • sorry for the spamming and if i didnt reply to everyone, all your goals are very achievable! look at me as im some sort of professional! im not but i dont see goals that look unlikely to happen as everyone is being realistic also no one is setting time scales which i think is a good thing, theres a few that want x amount…
  • good goal dont forget to set small goals to help u reach that big goal everytime u meet the small goals u will be one step closer to the big one :)
  • thats a good way to look at it, sometimes the scales are mean and tell you u have gained when u didnt feel that, also with all the muscle building from exercise the scales cant tell you u look great in the mirror! try taking pictures of yourself every 2 months so u can see ur body transform even if u cant see it, the…
  • thats a good goal to set :) try mini ones first that way the big one wont scare u as much as u reach the small goals like by end of september lose 10lbs then when u smash it you will think wow its been a month and now ive only got 50lbs to go! :) x