

  • Hi everyone, I just signed up for my first triathlon but I am a very weak swimmer. Does anyone know of a good website or training program to get me started? Thanks! B
  • thank you
  • Thanks everyone
    in calories Comment by schell January 2009
  • Hi everyone, was wondering if anyone knew a way or website to track calories from lifting weights. This site has great calorie tracking for diet and cardio but not so much for lifting. Any help or suggestions would be appreciated. B
    in calories Comment by schell January 2009
  • Hi everyone, was wondering if anyone knew a way or website to track calories from lifting weights. This site has great calorie tracking for diet and cardio but lifting burns calories as well. Any help or suggestions would be appreciated. B
  • I would recommend the one with 2 days of rest, making sure that you have one long run each week. I always did the 12 week prep schedule that maxed out at 20 miles then scaled back as you approach the run date. If you don't like the idea of taking 2 days off, you always could supplement with other exercises that aren't as…
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