drdocument Member


  • It works. Do you get some kind of regular aerobic exercise? Be sure to log it. Computing calorie burning of weight training is really complex and does not work well. Before I reached my target weight I was counting 1/2 my weight training time as cardio, as long as I kept my heart rate up. And it worked.
  • My workout consists of 25 minutes of cardio on elliptical followed by about 20 minutes of weight training and other exercises. Before I reached my weight loss goal, I counted the about half the 20 minutes of weight/exercise as cardio, being sure to keep my heart rate up by limiting rest between sets and exercises to less…
  • Well, mine is set at 40%, not 45%, and I know I am on the upper end of varying opinion. And I rarely get that much. I work out 3 times per week, and my goal is to get about 1 gram of protein per day per pound of body weight, remembering that the body does not store protein and can only process about 10 grams per hour, so I…
  • However, it is also important to get enough protein. And there are meatless sources (I like almonds). I have a sedentary job and have my MFP goals set at 40% of calories from protein, 45% from fat and 15% from carbs and that works for me.
  • I have read things about that as well. I have no doubt other ingredients in beverages (such as high sodium or sugar) may have some effect. But I do not spend time nit-picking about it. I drink a few cups of French press coffee in the morning, and other low-calorie beverages during the day, but always have 1/2 cup of water…
  • Congrats, joran6! Thinking ahead, here is what worked for me. I am a 66-year-old guy, 6'0", lost 40 pounds evenly over the last 3 years, and down from 30% to about 10% body fat, now at target weight (170), with 3 workouts per week burning about 275 calories on elliptical plus about 20 minutes of weight training (for…
  • I have been wondering about this, too. My 2-3 workouts per week each consist of burning about 150-200 calories on elliptical followed by about 20 min. of weight training interspersed with calisthenics. Because I am unsure of calories burned by weight training, I enter about 75% of that training time in MFP. My MFP…
  • Over a year, I have lost 15 pounds and gone from 24% body fat to 11% and am now at my target weight, with metabolic age 9 years less than actual. I have MFP goals set to 1200 calories per day (though I usually consume closer to 1800), with 5% from carbs, and 3 workouts per week, and try to get at least 180 grams of protein…