

  • I'm pretty self destructive. Not in a self harm sort of way, but when I mess up I sometimes continue to mess up under the pretence that I've already messed up, so I might as well continue messing up. Terrible trait.
  • Me! I do it at night just before I go to bed ... sometime even in bed! Gawds, I lead an exciting life some nights :D
  • If you were a heavier person to begin with, then the weight should fly off you at the start. If you weight 360lb, then a 8lb loss is only 4.5% of your body mass. If you were however 120lb, that would be 15% of your body weight loss and thus your body would go into shock. Try to think of it as % of total body mass lost each…
  • I'm exactly the same. I've been really unwell with (suspected) jaundice, gallstones and gastritis and the doctor told me that I HAD to just eat so my body had enough fuel to fight back. So I ate. And I've gained 14lb in 3 weeks. It'll be interesting to see how quickly it falls off :-) Hopefully not long over wise it'll be…