

  • I just tried Glutinos new Multi-grain and it's really good too - I never like their bread before but this new recipe is super tasty and light (not like the ton-o-bricks I've tried before!)
  • I also have other family members who are allergic (my mom, an aunt and my cousin). Always makes it fun to go out to eat :)
  • Welcome to the new you! This site is one of the best places to find support and motivation, it's exciting to have you on with us! Good luck on your journey and CONGRATS on making the decision to live and stronger healthier life :)
  • Hang in there and keep telling yourself that you can do it! Transformation doesn't happen overnight and it won’t happen in the future if you don't take hold of it today. Just commit to making your life better, making yourself stronger and achieving all that you want. Little steps add up to huge return and in no time you'll…
  • Hi Sheena - Great to have you with us!
  • Some times your body just gets stuck and need a little extra push to keep moving. Have you tried switching up your exercises? Trying new things that really challange your body? If you've been shaking it up and continuing to push them maybe its time to get some one-on-one help with a trainer or nutritionalist who can help…
  • Glad to hear you've stuck with it and are already seeing results - keep up the hard work! We're happy to have you fighting along beside us :)
  • Thanks for the advice - I think you're right! I've heard a lot of people say that the bug this year is hanging on for weeks at a time. Hope you fell better soon!
  • I love food too! (I think of it as one of my BIG motivators to exercise - because then I can still eat good stuff!) This is one of the best websites I've found for logging food and exercise. Easy to use, great database to pull from for food and exercise and I like the way it track/ how you can see everything that you're…
  • I'm a big fan of Tom ka soup. It has a coconut milk base with basil, lemon, ginger and (usually) some kind on meat/ seafood. Really tasty and filling with all that liquid but none of the oil of pad thai.
  • Here, here! Go Koli - That guy is a machine!