

  • I still haven't started yet. I've got to get my schedule under control. It's hard to get to it with my days running together. I'm working out but still haven't been able to make time for it yet. Maybe tonight...
  • Hey lady, I work out at home using videos from Wal-mart and I have a tread mill. I also have dumbells and a exercise ball. We bought P90X but I haven't started using it yet. I also have a baby jogger and I take my son to the park and chase him around a 2-mile track while pushing the baby. That jogger is wearing me out but…
  • My legs and butt. I also have great muscule under this weight and am really excited about developing it.
  • I'm 41 with 2 kids and struggling to find the time to work out. I have work stuff, church stuff and family stuff. There's always something else I can give my time to. Lately, I've been taking the kids to the park and chasing them. I also try to take walks at lunch time to keep me motivated and away from the food that…
  • I'm starting today. I did the test and thought I would not make it but I felt great once I finished. I'll go at it with you and like you said, time will tell...