elizamary77 Member


  • I'm doing it this year in Oregon, its not till sept. though, but I'm slowly getting myself into training mode, but I'm excited and can not wait!!!
  • http://www.myvirtualmodel.com/ but it says they are moving and will be back shortly, I dont know how long shortly is but I googled it and it is for all sorts of things including tracking weight loss so I think this is the one ur looking for.
  • Isn't that one of the best feelings!! Hard work pays off, good job!
  • You look great, and your face and posture says you feel great!! good job!
  • I with you on the Michael Jackson "Rock with you" is one of my fav. songs and I noticed every time it came on I got all pumped up and I recently noticed all his up beat songs are great for workouts!!!!
  • Sticking to the outside is a good idea, since I started eating healthier I did this without even realizing it, and unless I'm getting something specific in the baking isle or cereal isle I'm on the outside. I would say yes lots of produce! Also maybe try the hungry girl website no only does she have some great recipes she…
  • OMG I would love that it sounds like tones of fun, not to mention a killer workout!! but I would log it under the kick boxing
  • must be I have never heard of it, what is it?
  • How bout some fancy ear plugs, although some men aparantly can sleep through crying and all the other random requests that come during the night lol. I can think of a serious gift but thats a good gag one.
  • I have the Polar FT7 and I love it, its really easy to use, the chest strap is comfy as well, I have heard the F6 is a good one as well. I also have heard as long as you have a chest strap your good. I got mine for $106 on Amazon, its my new best friend!
  • A. find the closest activity you can find and put in the minutes and hope and pray its close. B. Get a heart rate monitor (recommended :wink: )
  • Wow thats really good, sounds like a good instructor, I have two different instructors that I take it from, one I burn about 300-325 and the other 450-500, I prefer the latter, the other one does slower paced songs. So I think the answer to this is it depends on the instructor and also how hard you work. OH and this is…
    in Zumba Comment by elizamary77 May 2010
  • That was a quick and funny realization. I was blaming my kids dad for buying Oreo’s and candy all the time. I would get mad, and you know what he still does it and I guess cause I’m more determined now I don’t even look at the stuff. I was blaming him but it was me damn it, I know how to say no thanks!
  • I like this I think its true for a lot of ppl....very inspirational I'm passing this along
  • Thank you I will let her know!!
  • If your going over what they have as the preset your good cause I think its 14 or something really 25 g is suggested.
  • That is too many cals if you are hoping to lose weight and I have been using my hrm this time around and other then plyo the nubmers have been low, this moringing I did chest and back and ab ripper I only burnt 163 cals, I do it in a shorter time span I dont take as many breaks so it took about 45 min. but still only 163…
  • Congrats you look great!!!!!
  • So as with any other program P90X is and will be what you make it, were you challenging yourself to do more each time, were you "bringing it" each time or most times when you worked out? The first time I did the program I saw better results quicker but in being honest with myself I pushed myself harder the first time. I…
  • That sounds so yummy, I wish I had some self control around pb, I'd start with 2 tbls and end up eating the whole jar it would be more like apple slices smoothered in pb :embarassed:
  • Sounds great and my kids would probably love that, thanks
  • I say snack, my moringing snack is low fat yogurt w/flax seeds and a light babybel cheese. my afternoon snack is 1 oz of nuts and an apple. It can be anything, I would say stay away from foods you know leave you wanting more. veggies are a good snack too!
  • A rest day is needed, take it. maybe stretch ur body out really good for 30-40 min. Or less time too, but rest days are just as important as workouts.
  • I would say HRM would be the best bet cause I have found since getting mine that anything I have ever put my workouts under for P90X has greatly overestimated the calorie burn :grumble: Anyways I'm over that now lol but I would say that you could put it under calisthenics but I was on my recovery week last week and my…
  • P90X really brought mine out, I'm guessing it was a combo of that and Zumba cause you work you middle in that class too. However for me at least I think a lot of it is genetics. Also you can do all the crunches you want and have great muscle underneath but you need to burn the fat to show the work you’ve done so a lot if…
  • I have had quite a few people ask me to help them or give them tips, I don't mind and its flattering. I do tell them that it is hard work kind of gloss over a few topics on wieght loss workout and health. If their eyes glaze over or they pick up their phone and start texting someone I know they are with it. Thats where I…
  • also are you weighing in on mon. cause if your cheating and eating say a lot of high sodium items you could be at a higher weight on mon. due to water
  • I would say that depends on what your cheat day consists of. Like how many calories are you eating as compared to your regular days?
  • I vote A i eat fruit EVERY day.