sassyt76 Member


  • Congrats! Tell me what it is that you are doing. Inbox me. Mine is at 7.8 the last time.
    in A1C Comment by sassyt76 September 2010
  • I have just tasted napa cabbage and it was good. Where do you buy it from? I've looked at stores in my town but haven't found any yet.
  • I'm gonna try to do this as well. Don't know how good I'm gonna be but as long as I put in the effort. And get my 14yr old son to do it with me also as motivation.
  • I too sometimes go over. But I have to exercise in order to not go over. But some days I'm not very hungry either and some days I feel like Lord I can't get enough. Just continue to work on it though. Do you drink a lot of water? If not start drinking more water and do it before you eat and after every bite and that will…
  • I have that same issue. My husband is losing weight a little but could be more if he would change some of the things he eats. He eats healthy along with me some of the times but he still wants to eat a lot of sweets and drinks that are not healthy and of course if its in the house the kids want some too. And he knows its…
  • I have problems with that also but when I exercise it helps. Also the more you exercise the more calories you are bale to eat. Just cleaning can help with your calories. Also if your into eating jello try the sugar free kind it has no calories it helps feel me up as well as water. Hope this helps you.
  • I also have the the Wii Fit, Wii Fit plus & Biggest Loser. I all have me sweating when I workout with them and I am a person that it is hard for me to sweat. It all depends on the activities you do and how often you do it. I usually do it with my kids and that makes it more fun. We like compete with each other. But I also…
  • I'm just so glad it isn't just me that this has happened to. Thanks for all the remedies!
  • Thanks for this information. I'll try it!:happy: I'll let you know of the results!