

  • Hey Girls and guys, Everyone is going to have a bad day. Mondays are hard on everyone!!!!! but thats where I get my strength to go to the gym on monday because I know I just had a tough day at work, and it releases all the stress I built up at work. I notice myself smililng more the next day when I had a good workout. I…
  • I go over sugar too, by a lot. its the only thing I go over besides protein, and Protein i go over very little. In terms of sugar, I know what the reason i have too much sugar, im still addicted to coke a cola of course, i need to stop, really, its my goal tom. NO soda from now on, period ps, its my birthday friday, and im…
  • too late to join?
  • if you like watching dancing with the stars, nbc has this new dancing show, from around the world. Its on mondays at 8. Im madly in love with it..check it out
  • my birthday is next friday, january 9th. im turning 23. by the time im 24, i want to be at my goal weight of 125
  • anyone know where to download music, any good workout songs guys and girls?
    in music Comment by natashak January 2009
  • we are all in the same boat. Im starting again tomorrow. YOu can do it. Don't give up! don't.Keep trying, keep smiling. Its a never ending journey!!
  • does anyone want to start a weightloss group to motivate each other everyday to go to the gym each and every day? and eat healthy of course
  • to tell you the truth, I hate the scale, it makes me feel horrible every time i go on it. I live with my parents and we have a scale at the house. I try to weigh my self once a week, but dont get sad if you dont feel good about losing weight. If thats the case I suggest not getting one. Itll take months to lose weight
  • the past two weeks have been really bad for me. I had a huge fever and then christmas came around. The past week was bad since I had family here from in town. I think i gained weight again. I dont feel good. Starting tomorrow im going to the gym. Get me motivated guys. i really want to do this again
  • is it bad to go only once a day? egh..
  • ooo great...mfp started me out at 1200, meaning I have nowhere to go down aghhhhhhhhhhh!! although I dunt have trouble keeping it into my 1200, i do have trouble not exceeding my sugar content. Thats not good
  • So i cheated yesterday, it was my cousins birthday and she had the most amazing cake ever. I had a bite, and I felt good after. It was only a bite say 1/2 an inch by 1/2 an inch, not even..but it was soooooooooooooooooooooo good...egh
  • I didn't run today, yesterday I did 4 miles, which is good for me considering I only started working out last monday (day 8 today). I try and run 4 times a week, swim 3 times a week over 2500 yards, and I havent started my strength training yet. As of right now I just want to do as much of cardio as possible. I hope it…
  • Hey, I've been using mfp for two weeks now, almost, and ive only noticed a small change. I'm the type of person that looks at my weight from a glass half empty kinda way. I get mad at myself for not losing weight, even though its only been two weeks. Everyone is saying it might take 4/5 even 6 months before you notice a…
  • i need to lose 40 pounds, not five, i want to go back to my highschool weight, its been 5 years, and 40 pounds later...aghhh.. well college really changed my body. help me guyss!!!!!!!
  • thanks guys, you are amazing. So although I'm working out I should be eating those calories on top of the calories I already eat??
  • So I think Its impossible for me to lose weight, - I eat healthy and eat less than 1200 cals a day -I work out on avg 4-7 times a week both swimming, running and the elliptical -i am on no medications, but I think i have a med problem where I cant lose that possible?? help
  • so guys, i cheated today, im so mad at myself, and i left for work this morning at 7 and i just got home at 10. I ate lunch at a chinese resturant with coworkers then had dinner at a pub with coworkers, horrible horrible day and I feel like crap, I wish i ate a salad, at least once today how horrible of me.
  • hey fitness chick, how did u lose a 172 pounds???
  • Hey all, my calories, carbs and fat on my food are all under, or exactly at the number recommanded by MFP. But I seem to be eating too much protein, should I cut that out? Protein gives me energy, what do you guys think?? should i cut down on protein? or just keep everything where its at..I need to eat smaller meals…
  • Hey! i also have a drinking soda problem. I used to drink 4 cans of regular coke a day. And I was soo dehydrated. I've cut down a lot. I went the whole summer, when I first started my diet without drinking soda. I now started my first job, and I hate coffee, so I need the caffeine to keep me up. Ive been trying to drink…
  • so can you guys and girls tell me how you all lost so much weight?? Im so eager to hear, since I want to be you!!!
  • thanks girls! you guys are amazing, My inspiration for my morning workout tomorrow, is the way i will feel afterwards..i'm going to start out slow, go swimming for an hour at 6 am, then go running after work at a gym(which I have been telling myself to sign up for for about two weeks now) I really want to keep it up..
  • Hi, my name is Natasha, and yes I am the other khetarpal girl in the house. I, like my cousin have had trouble keeping my weight down. Heres my story, I'm 22 years old, almost 23, and I absolutely hate my body. All throughout highschool I wasn't "heavy", infact I was pretty skinny. I used to swim and run and dance…