

  • Hate to break it to you, but almost everything you're eating is too high in sodium :( Pickles, jerky, cheese, canned beans, even most breads, bagles, crackers are quite high in sodium. Could you try subbing in fresh cucumbers instead of pickles? if you're going to eat beans, you could thoroughly rinse them with water to…
  • PB fat is fine, but often times a lot of brands add excess hydrogenated oils and sugar. The PB I eat has ingredients listed: peanuts You should try to find one like that (you may be doing that already...idk) Out of all the nuts, peanuts are probably the least beneficial for overall health and most heavily sprayed with…
  • Thank you everyone for your replies and suggestions!! I think the most frustrating part in all of this has simply been the fact that I consider myself a very mindful eater. I have done a ton of research and reading into different theories about nutrition (carb cycling, IF, timing of macros, etc) and fitness (steady-state…
  • You people are awesome :) Thanks for throwing your suggestions at me...I'm willing to try anything (within reason!). Sarauk, already messaged you. FitnessTut I'll message you tomorrow if you don't remember! Thank you!!
  • What's the recommended mg for sodium? I'm averaging about 1700mg/day. I've read up a little on IF, and don't know where I stand on the issue. Mark's Daily Apple had an article on it a few weeks ago, suggesting it may not be as beneficial for women as it is for men!
  • I have not been diagnosed with a thyroid problem. I got a message from someone suggesting my protein might be too high...I'm thinking this could be it since I recently upped my protein intake about 20g in the past few weeks and that's really when I started gaining the weight now that I think back! I've considered going…
  • Hey! Awesome on the weight lost since February!! It seems like you're doing a pretty good job meeting calories you are aiming for, but I would suggest monitoring saturated fat intake and carbs. I have only looked at the past few days, but I think most of your fats are coming from sources like cheese, meat, peanut butter.…
  • I've learned in my science classes that some pesticides are hormone (endocrine) disrupters. Who knows if it's all bogus though. There's so much evidence backing up both sides and all the information out there just seems like propoganda. I've also heard that you should at the very least buy organic peanut butter because…
  • Thanks for responding!! I'll look into getting a more accurate read on BMR, because so far I've only ever used the online calculators which seem to only account for a few variables, and are pretty much "one-size-fits-all". It is possible I am overestimating my exercise calories burned, but I am aware of this and do not…
  • Read the book "Skinny *****"!
  • You say you're pretty sedentary, right? Don't think about just running off the bat. Get up and go for a 15 minute walk. Slowly build up the length of your walks every day, maybe try jogging for small spurts of time during those walks, but don't stress about trying to run for an extended period of time. You'll build up to…
  • Do you eat clean and healthy otherwise (when you aren't working at the doughnut store)? It is very hard at first, but once you commit to eating clean, whole, unprocessed, REAL foods, your body begins to really crave nutrients and fresh food. Normally I am not a "sweets" person, I used to enjoy very salty foods. My roommate…
  • And I apologize if it seems like I'm "shutting down" anyone's suggestions about why I am gaining weight!! I certainly do not intend to! It is because I am (usually) very very thoughtful/mindful about what I eat. I read all labels for nutrition and ingredients, and if I am making a "bad" choice, it is one that I am aware…
  • Thank you for the detailed reply!! It feels I have over-eaten, but my BMR value seems to suggest I should actually be eating MORE calories. I should have mentioned this before...but I definitely do not eat all of my calories in one sitting!! hahah it definitely looks that way from my diary--you are right! But sometimes…
  • :) glad to know we're all in this together! Any suggestions for slow, steady state exercise first thing in the morning vs. high intensity interval training? I've read so many articles/journals about which is better for fat loss, and can't decide which one I am more convinced by!
  • Thank you for that melonhead! I will try to read little by little
  • My biceps/shoulders have gotten a big more muscular, but no where near enough to warrant an 8lb weight gain. My midsection has definitely gotten softer :( Can you give me an ideal % breakdown for carbs/fat/protein I should be trying to achieve? I know MFP "suggests" 55%carb, 30%fat, 15%protein, but I regularly eat WAYY…
  • Thanks!! That is VERY true, after I work out I am always SO hungry and eat almost all calories I burned. I try to make sure it isn't over my daily allowance total, but I eat a disproportionate amount immediately after workout and try to tighten up at other times of day since I worked out.
  • Thank you for your reply!! Yes, I exercise quite regularly (at least 5 days/wk for an hour unless it is a particularly stressful week). I'm watching processed sugar...most of my sugar is from fruits--very little actual added sugar. Same with sodium, I never put salt on anything and only use Mrs. Dash spices which have no…
  • I should mention that I know it's not merely losing fat, but building muscle because I don't look any more "trim" or "toned". In addition, my clothes do not fit any better, they are feeling quite a big more snug. Also, plenty of water (8+ cups/day in the form of water, water + ACV, green tea, lemon water), 1 cup…
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