>>>They will go away when you get results!<<< 1. Results are you payment for putting off instant gratification. The cost... not creeping off of your program at all for 6 days and having one cheat day per week. Pick one program and stick to it. When you start to see results they will motivate you to stick with it and you…
Have one night per week to go out. Consistency on your plan is what you need to get you to your goal. As a personal trainer for over 12 years it can be a struggle for me to order the entree that is under 500-600 kcals, never mind if you drink alcohol or indulge in apps or bread. I recommend not tempting fate- be Miss…
The rules of my plan: 1. Record everything! I use my iPhone's notes section to record every workout to ensure that I am always adding weight or reps to ensure that I am always progressing. 2. Weight training: I alternate high reps/ moderate resistance workouts with lower reps/ heavy resistance workouts. I tend to do 2-4…
Find a new trainer. They are not training you at your level, you are training at their's. In 12 years of personal training I have only had one client vomit and that was due to a panic attack more than activity.
You might not want to. I have found that I personally improve my body composition (muscle to fat ratio) when I don't cut back on good fat sources. Just be sure that your total calories are in the 1300-1600 calorie range if you are trying to lose weight.
CAUTION: Coach Rip is kind of a chauvinist, but very funny!
Oh, one more thang: Check out his videos on YouTube as well. He is very funny and very experienced. Personally I added 110lbs to my Squat using his and the 5x5 program at in just over 4 months. FYI: I lift 3-5 times per week.
I highly recommend that anyone who is starting a strength training program that includes squats (any program worth it's weight does) look into "Starting Strength," by Mark Rippitoe
Freezing berries is always a great option to preserve their freshness.