Eating Out- How to Eat Responsibly?

So I'm doing pretty good on my weight loss journey so far. I've been consistent on my workouts, and keep to my calorie limits. My biggest challenge: going out with my friends / husband.

Eating out used to be impossible for me when I first started losing weight. I couldn't go to the movies without eating half of my husband's popcorn, or grabbing a soda because the large "Couple's Special" is always cheaper than a small soda and popcorn. Personally, I try to avoid places that don't have posted nutritional info. Some places like Red Robin have nutrition calculators on their website that can help a bit- but overall, its still a big hassle. I feel like I'm holding them back sometimes by constantly calorie checking menu items, or insisting on planning where we're going to eat before we leave. How do you guys cope with dining out?


  • melaniecheeks
    melaniecheeks Posts: 6,349 Member
    I often just order a starter. I avoid anything obviously deep fried, or in a creamy sauce. I'll usually be having fish, as hubby doesn't really like much fish so that's what I'll choose when we're out. And there's nearly always some form of "grilled fish with veg" on the menu. I just say no to bread, potatoes etc. I'm not a big dessert person, so maybe one bite of husband's choice is enough.
  • heddy90
    heddy90 Posts: 144 Member
    I usually order whatever I want, but I don't have any dressing (because I don't like it, haha), I don't order extra sides and I usually don't finish everything. Restaurant portions are usually huuuuge, so no way I can finish it. Most of everything you can order is food I'm okey eating, I don't really have any restrictions, my motto is "everything in moderation".

    Often there are fries or similar as side, and the solution to that is simply. Just don't eat all the fries. Don't have lots of dressing on the salad. Stop eating the minute you're full.
  • Loulady
    Loulady Posts: 511 Member
    I either just make it a treat and don't worry about it (we go out to eat so rarely, it should be ok!) or I get something plain-ish - small steak and side veggies, a salad that isn't full of cheese and bacon bits with dressing on the side so I can control the amount, that sort of thing.
  • Spokez70
    Spokez70 Posts: 548 Member
    Have a plan by looking at the menu and whatever nutrition info you can find before you go out. I keep finding the times I don't plan ahead is when I always seem to get in trouble.
  • KitchenAbs
    Use a dental dam

    ....Sorry, I thought this was about something else
  • JcSans
    JcSans Posts: 18 Member
    I stay away from the fried foods on the menu and go baked with steamed veges if possible. Or I order what I want and put half in a to-go box. That way I don't feel like I have to stuff myself just because its on my plate.
  • GISFWCoachChris
    Have one night per week to go out. Consistency on your plan is what you need to get you to your goal. As a personal trainer for over 12 years it can be a struggle for me to order the entree that is under 500-600 kcals, never mind if you drink alcohol or indulge in apps or bread. I recommend not tempting fate- be Miss Boring all week and hit your goals... there is nothing boring about that when you step on the scale.
  • BigMech
    BigMech Posts: 433 Member
    I try and pin people down to where we are going to go before hand, so that I can plan out what I'm going to eat before we get there. If I can't do that I usually stick to some sort of grilled fish meal, or a lean steak in the 8oz range. Go with veggies for sides, and get a salad with the light dressing on the side. If I end up getting a burger, I'll get veggies instead of fries and take it off the bun, or only eat half the bug. If the portions are big, I will only eat some of the food, and then cover the plate with my napkin, so the food isn't staring at me. :) I never take left overs home, because I'll just end up eating them later that night.

    Appetizers are killer, so I avoid them. They usually have more calories than most of the meals on the menu because they are often deep fried, filled/covered with cheese and cream sauces. Even when you share them, they are still to much.

    I also avoid the free bread as well. Rolls or bread sticks at most places run between 120-250 calories each!

    After looking at nutrition information for a while, you get pretty good at estimating calories in a dish based on the ingredients.
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    I don't go out to eat often - maybe once a week at most - and I approach it like an ostrich. I stick my head in the sand and ignore the calories. :laugh:

    No, really. If you're on a one pound a week weight loss goal, you have a 3500 calorie a week deficit. So every day, you're eating 500 calories below what it takes to maintain your weight. Even if you have a total calorie bomb and go over your daily calories by 1000, you'll still have a 2500 calorie weekly deficit. You'll still lose weight, but instead of one pound a week, you'll be closer to 3/4 pound a week... or instead of losing 10 pounds in 10 weeks, you'll lose 10 pounds in 13 weeks. Personally, it's worth it to me to take a little longer to reach my goal if I reach my goal comfortably. (I take the same approach with running... I can flat out sprint, or I can easy jog. An easy jog will take longer, but I'm still going to get there.)

    And that's if you eat at your exact calorie goal every day and go over by 1000 once. It's very possible to stay under your calories a little bit each day of the week, then exercising more on the day you'll go out, to allow for a bigger caloric splurge. And it's possible to check menus online before going out to pick your favorites. The dish I've always loved at Olive Garden (Ravioli di Portabella) is around 700 calories. Easy to fit in most daily plans, and a lot more enjoyable than, for instance, two Lean Cuisine dinners. The Tour of Italy is like 1500 calories. Not so easy to fit in most daily plans.
  • newmooon56
    newmooon56 Posts: 347 Member
    If I get a heads up about dining out I go at it this way...
    first off I get my work out in for sure. 2nd- I look up nutritional info if I can and choose while still at home with my game face on.

    If I cant choose in advance- like many have said- avoid sauces, dressings and fried. I love me some raw tuna - and if theres an appititzer of that and some salad-- Im out and eating and not blowing it. (dressing on the side of course)

    Recently I was at a concert and got a small cheese tray, with some grapes and wheat crackers- shockingly the whole thing was under 350 (not bad for such a venue, given the other terrible choices) and then I even had a double shot of vodka with grape fruit. Did not go over goal for the day, had a nice meal and even a buzz :smokin: Yes I am a light weight/cheap date. :bigsmile:
  • Goal_Line
    Goal_Line Posts: 474 Member
    Salad with dressing on the side.
  • Miss_dannii
    Miss_dannii Posts: 1,351 Member
    Google the restaurant you're going to, or find their menu on Menupages. Pick something that you're going to get, work out the calories before you go. Pre-plan what you're going to drink too.

    If this is a one off thing, and you don't do it every weekend, then go and order WHATEVER YOU WANT! We're allowed a cheat day now and then. When I go out for dinner now, I don't worry about calories. I have what I want and then for the next few days I eat less calories to make up for it. Your body doesn't work on a 24 hour clock

  • Ge0rgiana
    Ge0rgiana Posts: 1,649 Member
    Eat AT MOST half of what they give you.
  • MrsM1ggins
    MrsM1ggins Posts: 724 Member
    I think it's ok to be selfish while you are trying to lose weight. Once you get closer to your goal weight and transition to maintenance you'll have more calories to play with, but it's not wrong to tell your family & friends that you don't want to eat somewhere where you can't make choices that fit with your nutritional goals.

    It should be possible to find somewhere they like to eat where you can make choices that fit with what you want. If they wanted to go to a particular restaurant and you KNEW you hated everything on the menu would you feel bad about saying "No"? How is that any different to not wanting to eat somewhere that doesn't offer the healthy things you want?
  • bethanp
    bethanp Posts: 72 Member
    As far as going to the movies goes, my boyfriend and I tend to go to dinner right beforehand so we're not tempted by the popcorn and pop and movie candy. Going in with a satisfied tummy really helps- can't remember the last time we got popcorn. :)
  • escloflowneCHANGED
    escloflowneCHANGED Posts: 3,038 Member
    Use a dental dam

    ....Sorry, I thought this was about something else

    Beat me to it!

    Enjoy yourself and eat what you want, worry about the healthy eating the next day! you still have to live and be happy!
  • bathsheba_c
    bathsheba_c Posts: 1,873 Member
    1. If portions are large, take half home in a doggie bag or order an appetizer instead of an entree.
    2. Avoid "hidden" calories, i.e. things that are fried, croutons, grated cheese, butter sauces. Grilled and steamed are good words to look for.
    3. Don't eat bread (disclosure: I totally eat the bread), extra sides, or dessert.
    4. Drink non-caloric beverages (i.e. water, diet soda, tea, coffee, etc.).
    5. Prioritize eating the proteins and vegetables on your plate over eating the carb-heavy sides.

    Alternately, make this your occasional treat. You would have to eat 500 calories to undo that day's diet, and more than that to gain weight. Just remember not to freak out if you suddenly shoot up 2 lbs; it's water weight from the sodium.
  • sunnyflower1177
    just eat small portions and not all of it, also avoid deserts, drink plenty of water befofre going out to eat and drinking water and lemon while eating, taking my time to eat, so eat and talk and drink!!!
  • amelia_atlantic
    amelia_atlantic Posts: 926 Member
    I check websites for menus and log the meal here if there is no nutritional information online.

    Always start with a salad (with dressing on the side).
    Order appetizers as meals.
    I feel weird about asking for a box as soon as the food comes out so I try really hard to eat exactly half then box up the rest.
    Put your fork down in between bites.

    A good rule of thumb is this:
    When you feel that "take a deep breath" feeling, it doesn't mean "take a break"; it means you are comfortably full. Don't eat past it!
  • wolfpack77
    wolfpack77 Posts: 655
    The only place I will eat out is chinese buffet. Sounds like a bad choice doesnt it? But its not. Because they always have fresh fruit, veggies and sushi. There's also usually salmon, shrimp, steak and chicken (not anything fried and saucy). Better than most resturaunts IMO.