

  • Good stuff! Believe it or not, I was a vegetarian for years and even then my vegetable consumption was limited to the few bland things I could think of. These suggestions rock! I can't wait to mash up some of the veggies that you suggested!
  • Congrats on the weight loss! You look great! Thanks everyone for all the suggestions... this has been something that I've been worried about. It's not a problem for me yet, but by the time I reach my goal it will be! Thanks!
  • I was a HUGE sweets person before I made the decision to eat as clean as possible and turn my lifestyle into a healthy one... When I'm craving something uber-sweet that fruit alone won't conquer, I have Maranatha - Dark Chocolate Peanut Spread. I found it in the health foods section of my grocery store. At 190 calories,…
  • I have the Lean Shake Powder and found that I got tired of it after a few goes. I have both the Swiss Chocolate and Vanilla. I always recommend the Swiss Chocolate made with milk, add peanut butter, add a banana. It's too filling to consume in one sitting... so I usually have 1/2 for breakfast and freeze the other half for…
  • Thank you thank you thank you! These all sound wonderful and I've been getting so tired of my uber basic and unexciting meals!!
  • Fat Free Yogurt or a Banana... both come in around 100 cals...!
  • I love Zumba... it was the first class I tried after joining the gym. I'm approx 100lbs overweight and it was my first class and I kept up just fine! I wasn't coordinated doing all the moves... but I enjoyed it! I was very sore the next day so I could tell I'd worked out my entire body... but it's still my favorite class!…
  • Sounds ahhhmazing. I will definitely try this! Thanks for sharing!
  • Include me! I could use people checking in! Just joined a gym and have about 100lbs to lose! Let's work together!
  • Wow, wow, wow! Congrats! You look great... but more importantly, I'm glad you feel great! Very inspirational... thank you for sharing!
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