To the women

I have been on MFP for a few months now and I am loving it. I love the fact that I am able to say I am losing weight by eating right and exercising, but I have an issue.

How do you overcome the cravings that hit once a month? I am able to stay on top of my diet and exercise routine 3 out 4 weeks, but once my "friend" decides to visit I am lazy and ALWAYS hungry for something sweet.

Any advice?


  • Tennessee2019
    Tennessee2019 Posts: 676 Member
  • Rachaelluvszipped
    Rachaelluvszipped Posts: 768 Member
    Silk Dark Chocolate Almond Milk!! Mmmmmmmm!! 120 cals a cup!
  • melnem
    melnem Posts: 26 Member
    maybe it's just me, but I really like to eat! I want to make my journey a lifestyle change to be more healthy, but I have no intention of never eating a cookie, piece of cake, or other bad for me food again. I say have that treat when the cravings hit, just don't overdo it. Moderation is the key to everything. Good luck!
  • chrissym78
    chrissym78 Posts: 628 Member
    sugar free jello with a little whipped cream is my go-to when I need something sweet. Other than that, all I can say is don't be too hard on yourself. Your metabolism is actually higher around TOM anyway. :) Hang in there!
  • mjshanks23
    I was a HUGE sweets person before I made the decision to eat as clean as possible and turn my lifestyle into a healthy one...

    When I'm craving something uber-sweet that fruit alone won't conquer, I have Maranatha - Dark Chocolate Peanut Spread. I found it in the health foods section of my grocery store. At 190 calories, it's not the lowest cal snack you can have... but I put it on a banana. You can freeze it if you'd like and make a chocolate covered banana.

    Of course, there are Weight Watchers Ice Cream products as well... but I'm trying to only eat things that aren't super, duper processed and have some value. Anyway, I really like the Dark Chocolate Peanut Butter... maybe it will help you, too!

    I'd like some better ideas as well... I know peanut butter isn't perfect... but it's what works for me!
  • xStellar
    xStellar Posts: 28 Member
    Sometimes its hard to stick to the calorie restriction, especially during that week, but when I have chocolate craving I drink a chocolate casein protein shake.

    I use 1 scoop complete casein (110 cals, 25g protein), with 1/2 cup fat free milk and 1 cup water

    for about 150 cal, this is very filling and usually satisfies my craving..
  • Deathwithab
    Deathwithab Posts: 462 Member
    i dont like to eat durring , i feel like crap enough that eating just makes me feel more like crap lol. the other 3 weeks im a sugarholic tho
  • AliceRabbit13
    AliceRabbit13 Posts: 138 Member
    50/50 chocolate bars, next to the diabetic foods. It's really thick, so eating one square or two is very low cal. I eat the dark chocolate one when I absolutely have to have something. Also there are these little Stix that come in a variety of flavors, like butterfinger and crunch, but are low cal as the same aisle as the candy, usually on a high shelf. Hope this helps! :)
  • lawtechie
    lawtechie Posts: 708 Member
    I'm with the ones who say eat it and indulge if that's what you're feeling, just be mindful of it. Even if you eat 'only' 500-1000 calories of sweets, that's MAYBE 1/3 lb if you're diet is balanced. You can make up for 500-1000 calories over the course of a week or two for a bit of indulgence during your pre-period.

    I enjoy a good 2-3 scoop bowl of Breyers Choc. Chip icecream every once in awhile, and some Gummi bears :)
  • dlyeates
    dlyeates Posts: 875 Member
    I work whatever it is I'm craving into my meal plan so the calories are accounted for. I choose some of my lower calorie options for meals so that I have the extra calories that day.

    I'm not looking forward to that TOM this month because I get REALLY bad cramps and in the past have not been able to exercise. I'm doing the 30DS and I won't give up even for that this month!!!
  • LivLauLuv
    OMG! I just went through it this past week. I am good with the eating and exercising and once that time of the month hit I was miserable. I just gave in and now that it is over I regret it. Now I have to start all over again. I didn't have a back up plan. I guess it's okay to give into the cravings but be mindful and do it in moderation.
  • dryfli
    dryfli Posts: 39 Member
    1.5 cups of fruity pebbles and 1 cup skim milk. don't ask me why but this seems to do it for me. if i want chocolate, i use the low cal choc milk in it instead. only 340 cals, and its fortified so there are some good things in it. its a good filler for when you want the really bad stuff.
  • LaVerneHarvey
    I'm 57 and have been gaining and losing weight all my life. After brain surgery, I just gave in to eating anything I wanted. After all, I was bald and ugly, might as well get fat too. Before I knew it I weighed 218 pounds. I lost over 40 pounds but then just stopped losing. I walk every day for at least 90 minutes. I sometimes swim for exercise. But regardless, my weight loss stopped and now bounces up and down, though not more than five pounds or so.

    I want to lose another 45 pounds and I heard about this online group of instant support. I really think it might be just the thing to help me lose the rest of my weight. I've been doing the low carb diet all along and I think it really works for me. So I don't count food calories or exercise calories, though I do count every minute of walking and carbs. I think one of my biggest draw backs is my diet soda consumption. I'm trying to cut back, but it's very hard considering the awful headaches I get when I try to really cut back. I'm now drinking low sodium drinks and hoping that will help.
  • zoe4friends
    zoe4friends Posts: 727 Member
    I love my sweets too, while I can't cut them out of my diet completely I allow myself to have some kind of sweet once a week for now, then I will go from there to once a month and cut them off eventually. I think as long as you can control how much sweets you eat it's ok to have it once in a while.
  • nomoreexcusesmfp
    I love Skinny Cow ice cream products. They are all low cal and SO delicious. They are perfect for me when fruit won't cut it and I just need some dessert!
  • dovesgate
    dovesgate Posts: 894 Member
    Skinny Cow ice cream or candy pouches. I get the dark chocolate clusters that have caramel and crispies in them. I also just discovered the bliss that is Granny Smith apples dipped in melted dark chocolate.

    If it's really bad and nothing else will do but high calories and fat - I make sure I have enough calories saved for the day or earn enough through exercise and I blow them on a Magnum Double Caramel. Mmmm bliss indeed.