

  • I've been quit smoking for 24 years and I was up to three packs a day. I quit cold turkey and lot of prayers. My advice to you is NEVER EVER pick up leads to two, to three, ect. Once I quit for 11 months, and picked up one...ended up smoking whole pack at one sitting...sick as a dog...but didn't stop me from…
  • Think she might be from another country? Some others are very relaxed about nudity and bathroom privacy. Just wonderin'.
  • I don't know about the "science" of eating later than 8pm...or few hours before your bedtime......but I do know, I feel much better in the morning if I have not eaten anything heavy after 7pm or so. I also feel better if I have my heaviest meal earlier in the afternoon and light dinner.
  • You have gotten taller!!!! Great job!
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