

  • I had scale obsession for a while. I finally picked two days a week to weigh myself. Sometimes the days change, but it's usually Monday and Thursday. Hope this helps.
  • I'm a massage therapist with lots of clients who are runners. They all say the same thing you do. One day they feel like they could run forever, the next day they are struggling the entire time. I'm not sure why this is, but I thought you would like to know you are not alone.
    in Running?? Comment by handerso June 2011
  • From your description, it sounds like you are serious about weight loss and health. I would invest in a Body Bugg. That way you know for sure how many calories on average you can burn a day. For example, my fitness pal said I should eat 1250 a day. Then I got a Body Bugg and realized I burn 1700 on a sedintary day, 2200 on…
  • I'm sure you are overwhelmed by advice right now, and I read through all of them. Here is a bit of advice that I think got missed. You're friends say you are fine, your mom wants you to lose weight. I would throw all those opinions out and focus on being healthy. The great thing about this program is that it helps you…
  • My chiropracter did the P90X. I hadn't seen him in a while, so when I arrived at his office, I was shocked at how good he looked. I asked him, "Did you lose weight? You must have! You look great!" He replied, "Actually, I haven't really lost any weight, I've lost tons of inches though." I would definitely follow the advice…
  • Like someone else said, I don't think it really matters when you work out as long as you ARE working out. I've known marathon runners who run before work, after work, during lunch. I've known body builders who vary on their work out schedule as well. I find it is more important to find a routine that works with your…